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(Last Updated On: )
Date: July or August 1965
Location: Phoenix Arizona
Time: 1800
Summary: Mrs V T and her daughter observed a triangular shaped object fly overhead low and slowly, the witness counted 13 windows around the perimeter of the object, and in one window she saw a figure, who walked into view with his arm raised as though touching something on the inside wall. He then dropped his arm, turned to the window, and looked out directly at the two witnesses, who felt that he was “looking at us.” The daughter did not see the figure, but she observed a red light in the forward point of the triangle, and two blue lights at the rear points. The figure the witness saw was slim, of human shape, and wore tight fitting clothing. He appeared to be of average height, although she saw him only from the waist up. The object passed over a treetop height, or just above, and the witnesses started waving at it; she ran inside to get her camera and when she returned, the object was no longer in view.
Source: Cufos
Date: August 1965: Large cylinder flies low over Brooklyn, NY
Date: August 1965
Location: Ozarks, Arkansas (exact location not given)
Time: unknown
Summary: While in an isolated area a man and his son encountered a large round, orange object which seemed to glow but did not emit heat. It hovered about a foot off the ground just below the trees. The main witness was in front of it, he then spoke to it and the object seemed to come toward him. He blacks out and looses about an hour, his son does not remember anything.
Source: http://ufologie.net
Date: August 1965
Location: Near Nisqually, Washington
Time: afternoon
Summary: On several occasions a nightmarish creature was reportedly sighted near this town. A composite description from eyewitnesses revealed something that stood nearly 7 ft tall with a hairless, egg shaped head. It reportedly had large, pink glowing eyes, a small nose and ears and a slit like mouth. The upper body was thin, but it had ham-sized hands. The lower portion of its body was described as “stumpy.” Several witnesses reported the creature appeared to be wearing a white garment resembling a doctor’s smock. On one occasion, a teenage boy claimed he shot the creature with a .22 rifle from a distance of 25 ft. The boy and a companion said that the bullet knocked the creature down momentarily but that it quickly got back on its feet and ran off.
Source:Phillip L Rife, America’s Nightmare Monsters
Date: August 1965
Location: Fragosa, Spain
Time: afternoon
Summary: Brother and sister Juan & Isabel Dominguez were returning home with a load of peaches when they noticed what appeared to be a tall shadowy figure moving back and forth in front of a nearby garden wall. Curious they approached the figure and were horrified to see a tall translucent human-shaped figure that was now moving over a vegetable patch near the river. They could see that the entity had very long arms that moved in harmony with its body, the rest of the body was proportional and “gelatinous” in appearance. The creature was well above 2 meters in height. When the giant turned and walked in the direction of the witnesses these dropped their bundles of peaches and fled in terror. During the whole encounter both witnesses heard a sound resembling that of a “rattler”.
Source: Iker Jimenez, “El Paraiso Maldito” (Cursed Paradise)
Date: August 1965
Location: Near Elizabeth, New South Wales, Australia
Time: night
Summary: After seeing luminous dart-like objects flying over the area and receiving communication from supposed alien entities on a Quija board a couple, Dora and Derek, were told to go to an isolated area near Lake Illawarra. As they walked through the night, they felt that something was wrong. A light aircraft was flying backwards and forwards across the lake, as though searching for something. This apparently scared off the aliens and they did not show up that night. Later that same week, the couple again had made contact with the “visitors” and was told to go to the same general location. Soon they reached the rendezvous point and leaving the cover of the trees they stepped into the clearing. The couple paused for a moment and peered into the darkness. Suddenly Dora grabbed Derek’s arm and pointed to a nearby tree. The tree stood out from the others, it was on the edge of the woods and clear of the undergrowth. Derek could just make out a shadowy figure standing by the trunk. Dora was able to see more, she described the figure as tall, and human-like. It appeared to be dressed all in black, in a type of one-piece suit. It was tall and slim, but not thin. The couple stood transfixed, peering through the darkness at the stationary shape. After a few minutes they saw movement as the hands of the tall dark figure reached towards its middle. It seemed to touch its belt, and then quite suddenly it disappeared. Later as they examined the tree, they came to the conclusion that the figure must have been about 8 ft tall.
Source: Omar Fowler, FSR Vol. 38 # 3
Date: August 1965
Location: Carlington Heights Ontario Canada
Time: 2100
Summary: A man named Harris and his woman friend were parked by an underground reservoir when they saw an object with 4 searchlights on the bottom slowly descend to within 15-20 ft of the reservoir. Then a sliding door opened and one, then three figures were visible standing in the doorway. The figures were in silhouetted, dark, and shiny, and after 15 minutes the witnesses drove away.
Source: Louis J. Normandin for Apro
Date: August 1965
Location: Santa Ana California
Date: August 1965
Location: Citrus Heights, California
Time: 2100
Summary: During a heavy storm the four witnesses were in the farm living room discussing the weekend plans. Suddenly one of the men heard sounds coming from outside and thought it was the sheep that had gotten out. While the other two (a husband and wife) stayed inside he and his wife went outside to check. The man chased the sheep back into the pen while the woman held the gate. When she turned around she saw the man staring, as in a trance into the sky. He called out his name but there was no response. Out of nowhere a metallic object had descended over the man and hovered 20 ft above him. He remembers seeing “people” inside the craft wearing what look like blue jump suits. He also said that the people looked human, and they all had long blond hair and blue eyes. His wife saw the same thing, confirming the account. After about a minute she yelled at him to get away from the object. He ran in a full sprint to the house. He later confirmed that the reason why he was not answering his wife was because he was in some sort of trance and couldn’t take his eyes off the craft.
Source: Castle Of Spirits
Date: August 1 1965
Location: Lima Peru
Time: 1900
Summary: Alberto San Roman, a 15-year old boy was on the roof of his home when he saw a saucer shaped UFO land nearby and a strange being, 3/5 ft tall, emerge, it was “a greenish” entity “with hair all covered with green lights, and looking like a toad.” As the boy fled, a red light was shone on him; then the object flew away toward the sea. Police later found circular marks on the roof.
Source:The Humanoids by Hanlon
Date: August 1965
Aug. 1, 1965; Ent AFB, Colorado (BBU)
Beginning at 11:45 p.m. MST, 3 to 4 oval-shaped objects with bright silver glows were observed by five military personnel and one civilian. The objects appeared to be 8 to 10 miles apart, then moved rapidly closer until 4 to 5 miles apart. The objects were observed for periods of 20 minutes, 30 minutes and 5 minutes. The Air Force wrote these off as being stars. (McDonald list)
Date: August 1965
Aug. 1, 1965; Tinker AFB, Oklahoma
At 9:08 p.m., four objects, bluish-white with a red haze in color, the size of a pea held at arm’s length, were observed visually from the Control Tower. The objects were first seen at 45 degrees elevation and at 190 degrees azimuth. All the objects appeared to be at approximately 22,000 feet. One object was moving south and one object was moving north at speeds of approximately 150 to 200 mph. Two of the objects did not appear to be moving. Information on these objects was furnished to the 746th AC&W Squadron, at the Oklahoma City AFS. They advised radar contact with one object at 10,000 feet in the vicinity of Norman, Oklahoma, located approximately 20 miles south of Tinker AFB. The length of observation was 1 1/2 hours. (Dan Wilson)
Date: August 1965
Aug. 1, 1965; W. of Topeka, Kansas
Night. During the night a TWA Aircraft (707) in flight picked up 12-15 targets on Air-Intercept Radar flying toward their aircraft in formation at high speed on 50 mile scope. They changed to 20 mile scope and observed the objects approaching in formation. The pilot, co-pilot, and engineer all witnessed this cleary on the scope. Aircraft passed the objects but did not see them visually. All parties concerned are very reputable. They asked that no names be used and that no publicity be given this sighting. Case includes 2 films. (Dan Wilson)
Date: August 1 & 2 1965
Location: Whiteman AFB, Missouri (BBU)
Source: McDonald list
Date: August 2 1965: Sherman, Texas UFO Sighting
Date: August 2 1965
Location: La Punta near Lima Peru
Time: afternoon
Summary: A medical student, accompanied by a doctor, saw a strange “dwarf” on the beach of La Arenilla. The two refused to give the newspaper any more information.
Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source
Date: August 2, 1965: Tulsa, Oklahoma UFO Photograph
Date: Aug. 3, 1965
Location: Cocoa, Florida BBU
Time: 11:40 p.m. EST.
Summary: At least 2 Cocoa Police officers and several other persons observed four round objects the size of a pea held at arm’s length in a diamond formation that appeared to be stationary in the sky. The objects were colored orange, white or green during the period of observation. One other object was observed to the west of the diamond formation. One object was seen to leave the diamond formation and move away at a very fast rate of speed and after approximately 30 seconds it moved back into the formation. Two other policemen in front of the police headquarters observed a yellow light with a ring around it at approximately 11:30 p.m. The object bobbed back and forth and appeared to be the size of a 50 cent piece held at arm’s length. The object was observed for several minutes.
Source: McDonald list
Date: August 3, 1965: Rex Heflin UFO Photographs
Date: Aug. 3, 1965;
Location: Lake Hefner, Okla. BBU
Summary: Young man saw an object rise from the lake area
Source: Vallée Magonia 669
Date: August 3 1965
Location: Valentine, Nebraska
Summary: UAO Photographed in Nebraska The above photo is of an unconventional aerial object photographed through a telescope at Valentine, Nebraska on the morning of 3 August 1965. The photographer, Miss Judy Hatcher, 17, is an amateur astronomer. She was alerted by BiU \trard after he saw an object in the southeast which moved to the northwest. The object ri’as star-like in appearance, except for the fact that it moved up and down and did other maneuvers in relation to some power lines, with maneuvers covering about 12 degrees. there were no stars close enough to which the movement could be related, and a telescope revealed no telescopic stars in the vicinity. The object dimmed frequently, to the extent that it could no longer be seen by naked eye or telescope. It changed colors, varying from red to green to bluish-white. The colors were visible with the naked eye and with telescope and binoculars. An observation of the subject out of focus in the scope showed that the colors moved across the object from side to side, or from top to bottom. or vice versa. The colors were not all present at the same time, in a shifting pattern, as in stars. After this one went through some rapid and extreme changes in color and brightness, another object bunked on in the northeast. It was noted that if one blinked excessively, the other would disappear. After about three hours the original object blinked off and failed to reappear. Miss Hatcher tried three photos of this object through the telescope, and succeeded on two of them. It was noted that all the major stars were in place, including Arcturus, but that no star of less than second magnitude was visible in the vicinity of the object. Object sighted in northeast performed same maneuvers, dimming and color changes as first one. Generally proceeding east slowly and four smaller and dimmer objects appeared to be following and attempting to close ranks with it,
Date: August 3 1965
Location: North East Pennsylvania
Time: 1030A
Summary: Two boys, Doug Knopka, 9, and Tim Dietz 8, vacationing at Doehler’s Beach with their families, were walking along a wooded road when they saw a “dirty white” disc shaped object 15 ft in diameter, with a transparent dome, 50 ft away. Beside it was a small figure with yellow eyes about 4.5 ft tall, and inside the dome another moving figure was visible. Frightened, the boys ran from the spot; then they heard a “swishing” sound and saw a round object rise over the treetops and disappear from sight out over the lake.
Source: Louis Spizarny for Nicap
Date: August 1965
Time: Aug. 4, 1965; Dallas, Texas (BBU)
Date: August 1965
Time: Aug. 4, 1965. Calumet AFS, Mich. (BBU)
Date: August 1965
Summary: August 4, 1965; Abilene, KS
E-M effects on truck, domed disc swooped overhead, hovered just above road, blocked highway (UFOE II, Section, VI).
Date: August 1965
Time: Aug. 4, 1965; Dallas, Texas (BBU 9675)
Date: August 1965
Location: Aug. 4, 1965; Tinley Park, Illinois (BBU 9680)
Date: no later than August 5 1965
Location: Near Caracas Venezuela
Time: unknown
Summary: A farmer saw a mysterious object land on his property, leaving a scorched area 40 yards wide in the corn. Three “strange beings from outer space” emerged, but when the farmer approached they were “whipped back into it” and the object took off.
Source: The Humanoids by Hanlon
Date: August 5 1965
Location: Chicago, IL to Louisville, KY
Time: At 11:04 p.m. local time,
Summary: two objects were picked up on ground radar at two radar sites at approximately 100,000 feet in altitude. The objects appeared and disappeared on scope with no apparent heading. There were no known air traffic in the area. The length of observation was 45 minutes. The manner of observation was search and height radar. The location of the observers was at Snow Mountain radar site 25 miles SW of Louisville, Ky., and Arlington Heights radar site 50 miles NW of Chicago, Il. According to one document, given the locations of where the objects were first sighted and where they lost shows that the objects moved 620 NM in 45 minutes.
Source: Dan Wilson
Date: August 7 1965
Location: San Pedro de Los Altos Venezuela
Time: 1600
Summary: Three anonymous witnesses, one “a well known gynecologist,” saw a yellow luminous disc about 50 ft in diameter descend and hover over the ground 100 ft away. Then a shaft of light was projected downwards from its bottom, and in this shaft two “men” 7-8 ft tall, with shoulder length blond hair, descended to the ground; they wore seamless one-piece coveralls that appeared metallic. These beings approached the witnesses, telling them telepathically not to be afraid. The gynecologist asked them a number of questions to which they replied; they said (for example) that they came from Orion and that robots piloted some of their ships.
Source: Horacio Gonzalez Ganteaume
Date: August 8 1965
Location: Beaver, Pennsylvania
Time: 11:30 p.m. Allegedly a luminous UFO was photographed by James Lucci. According to estimations by witnesses, the diameter of the UFO was around 13 meters. Lucci, 17, was photographing the full moon with his brother, John, 23. According to them a shining object appeared from behind a hill. James managed to take two shots before the flying object left. His friends encouraged him to send the photos to the Beaver County Times, where they were analyzed and declared authentic. On the image above, the moon can be seen at left. The analyses by UFO researchers wasn’t so generous.
Summary: Disk. James Lucci and one other.
Date: August 8 1965
Location: Grand Forks North Dakota
Time: 2330
Summary: Sylvia Hoialman, 21, Becky Evanston, 21, and Becky Aanstad, 21, were driving near the Lincoln Park Golf Course when they saw a yellow-luminous object that they took at first for the moon. It “blinked black and white” and the silhouettes of several little figures could be seen inside. Three men in a nearby car also saw the object; a 16 year old boy ran toward it and the object disappeared with a bang.
Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source
Date: August 9 1965
Location: Lima Peru
Time: 2200
Summary: The anonymous witness, a “sedate” music teacher and “high public employee,” was driving in the outskirts of Lima when his car’s motor started to miss, and then stopped. At that moment the car, surrounded by a beam of light from above, rose up from the road and was then carried through the sky for an unknown distance, at an altitude such that the witness could see the coastline and a peninsula, La Punta, west of the city. He was paralyzed. The car was returned to the ground at a place he could not identify (but near the coast, for he could hear waves breaking), where a voice speaking perfect Spanish asked him to get out. He did so, and “could barely make out” little men with big ears. Apparently no UFO was seen, but there was a luminous screen nearby, on which he read; “We are using calming rays on you to remove your fear.” He then asked several questions, in response to which the spokesperson told him that they came from a place more distant than Mars, that they had visited Earth on various occasions in the past, & that they did not appear in public because that might cause panic. Asked if they knew music, he caused the witness to hear “something that might be considered as music, but that had the power of raising the feelings to the highest exaltation.” Then his car was transported back through the air to the spot from which he had been picked up. He told his story to an uncle, an official in the Peruvian police, who informed reporters.
Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source
Date: August 10, 1965
Location: Nashville, Indiana
Summary: Two discs below clouds observed from aircraft.
Source: Vol. II, UFOI, Hall
Date: August 1965
Summary: Aug. 10, 1965; Seattle, WA.
Boeing aerospace engineer saw two silvery, disc-shaped objects that hovered for several minutes, departed upward at high speed one after the other (UFOE II, Section, IV).
Date: August 1965
Summary: Aug. 10, 1965; Pacific Northwest
9:40 P.M. Fireball meteor traveling easterly across northeast sky.
Date: August 1965
Summary: Aug. 10, 1965; Suffolk County, New York
At around 8:50 p.m. local time, a large circular object with over 100 lights was observed at very low altitude in the vicinity of Riverhead, N.Y. by an airman. The object hovered for 5-10 minutes and then flew away towards Montauk. Around 9:15 p.m., at the Suffolk County AFB, a call came in of someone reporting a UFO in the vicinity of Southhampton. A request was made to divert a KC-97 aircraft (AG 506) to make a run on the UFO and try and identify it. This was done with the help of GCA Vectors. The pilot saw the object but was unable to identify it. (Dan Wilson)
Date: August 1965
Summary: Aug. 11, 1965; Beaver, PA
Dog “went crazy” at hovering disc.
Date: August 1965
Summary: Aug. 11-12, 1965; Whiteman AFB, Missouri
Multiple objects were seen visually from the ground by observers at building S-35 Base Operations and the control tower. In addition the objects were observed on the base AN/CPS 9 weather radar. Objects moved from north northeast to the south very fast and disappeared to the south. These objects were observed over a period of 4 – 5 hours. They appeared to be at angles estimated to be at 30 degrees to 60 degrees above the horizon. One witness observed a dull red object , oval in shape, at 5 to 10 degrees above the horizon.Some of the observers were 2nd Lt Lee F. Hudson and Staff Sgt Alton W. Badman, both of the of the 8th Weather Squadron. Other observers were control tower personnel. All the observers are considered to be reliable. One witness on duty in the control tower observed an object round in shape and appeared to be the size of a huge star. Object had a spotlight pointing directly toward the ground and another spotlight pointing to the southeast. The object was moving northeast at approx. 10 knots. This object was tracked on radar on both height and search presently measuring 5000 ft. altitude. (Dan Wilson)
Date: August 1965
Summary: Aug.12, 1965; Springfield, Ohio (BB)
At 11:15 a.m. EST, Major Jack D. Bond, sitting in a passenger seat of a T-29 aircraft observed an unidentified flying object. The aircraft was on a heading of 300 degrees and was descending from 4000 feet to 3000 feet at the time of the sighting. The object was ascending and descending and was slightly higher than the T-29. The object appeared to be 5 to 7 miles away and moving in a general direction of 90 degrees. The object’s speed was highly erratic during the 3 ascents and 3 descents that the object made. On its third descent the object appeared to level off and accelerate away at a speed of 600 knots or more. Project Blue Book evaluated this sighting as a Mirage. (Dan Wilson)
Date: August 1965
Time: Aug. 13, 1965; Baden, Penna. (BBU)
Date: August 13 1965
Location: Renton Washington
Time: 0700A
Summary: As he drove away after dropping off his two daughters, sisters, Ellen Grace, 16, and Laura Jean Ryerson, 13, next to a bean field, a Mr. Ryerson noticed two unusual “persons” walking along the side road of the bean field. As the girls walked along this road they approached the two very unusual people. The first “person” was like a gnome, little, gray wrinkled elf-like being. He wore a gray shirt and pants, and a funny little hat. He was dancing and jumping around in front of the other being as they approached closer and closer. He was cackling and the girls thought it sounded like laughter. The other being was approximately 5 ft tall. He had a very unusual head. His face was gray but the back of his head had a bulbous extension with veins showing through it. It pulsated. On the rest of his cranium there were large pores and this part of his head was white. His eyes were described as like a frog’s eyes. In his mouth he had a little pipe. He was blowing in it and making a shrill sound. The tallest one wore shiny clothes, like satin. The top was purple and it was put together with the pants into once piece. The top had deep pockets and it had its hands in the pockets so they did not see what its hands were like. At first the girls thought they were dressed in Halloween costumes, but as they got closer they realized that this was something they had never seen before. The oldest girl felt that they were going to grab her. Fear filled her body and she yelled to the other girl to run. They had just purchased new shoes and they didn’t want to run into the muddy field. When they looked back both beings had completely disappeared.
Source: Jerome Clark, FSR Vol. 12 # 2, also Leneesa Garoutte in “Alternate Perceptions On line Magazine” February 2005
Date: August 13 1965
Location: Waverly Iowa
Time: 1600
Summary: David G, 14, and his father and sister were sitting in their yard when they heard a high-pitched whining sound and saw an aluminum object 15-20 ft in diameter, looking like “two saucers glued together,” descending slowly from the sky. It disappeared behind a hill a third of a mile away, and the young man walked to the hill to investigate. When about 150 yards from the site, he saw a being 3.t ft tall, with a baldhead, peeking out from behind a tree. He did not see the figure leave, but a minute or so later he saw a “blur” and heard a rush of air. At the landing site, in an old quarry, he found a 15-20 foot circle of charred glass, within which were indentations of 5” x 12” and an inch deep. The sighting occurred during a minor wave of reports in Iowa and elsewhere.
Source:Ralph DeGraw for Apro & Mufon
Date: August 11 or 13, 1965
Location: Monroe, Michigan
Summary: On August 11 or 13, 1965, near Monroe, Michigan, USA, Christine van Acker, aged 17, wwas driving to bring back home her mother, Rose Owens, on a road in a wooded area in the night. Whereas she negotiated a turn of the road, a 2.10 height meters hairy and dark creature arrived on the road, and she had to brake. One moment later, the monster introduced an arm in the car by the open window and clutched Christine van Acker by the hair with its enormous hairy hand, with rough and black hairs with bleached ends, while growling. Its hand became entwined in the hair of the panicked girl, who stalled the car when she tried to accelerate away. An understandable panic ensued, the two women screamed, Christine van Acker honked the car’s horn repeatedly, and the creature eventually retreated to the woods. Moments later, David Thomas, aged 22, came by, alerted by the sound of the car’s horn, and found Mrs. Owens standing on the road and Christine van Acker draped on the steering wheel. Miss van Acker had bruises at her face, and her photograph was published in the newspapers and magazines through the country, since the experience drew the attention of the national medias for there had already been many stories of upright half-men half-animals creatures in June and July of this year. The locals over-reacted and organized a posse armed with weapons with guns and forks and searched the wooded countryside finding anything. These people thought that the creature could be a radiation-spawned mutant caused by the nearby Enrico Fermi atomic plant, where gates and to be closed and guard increased in result of these rumours and tensions. The event attracted the curious, a restaurant owner was happy enough to declare that he does not care what the creature is as long as it stays in the area. Thereafter, the story made the “Bigfoot” books and websites and even some UFO books.
Source: Article in True magazine, USA, June 1966.
Date: August 14 1965
Location: Cruziero Santa Caterina Brazil
Time: daytime
Summary: While Joao Do Rio was fishing, a saucer landed nearby and a little man 28 inches tall with large luminous eyes introduced himself, in perfect Portuguese, as a flying saucer crewmember. He authorized do Rio to tell others about him, and gave him as proof a piece of “unearthly” metal. The metal was under study by the national railroad car factory.
Source: Humcat quoting Reuters dispatch
Date: August 14 1965
Location: Ville Lemoyne, Quebec, Canada
Time: 2200
Summary: Two youngsters, Marc & Luc Lafreniere were in their home when a strong light attracted them to the window. Looking outside they saw a large oval-shaped craft floating just above the ground. A tall humanoid figure wearing a silvery jumpsuit stood in front of the craft, he had long dangling arms. The figure walked towards the house and touched the front door briefly and then returned to the craft, while the terrified witnesses hid in their room. Apparently they did not see the craft and alien depart.
Source:Marc Leduc, CASUFO
Date: August 15 1965
Location: Salto Uruguay
Time: 2300
Summary: Five persons in a car heard a loud hum and saw a UFO land directly in front of the car, stalling the engine. Its brilliant white luminescence changed from red to yellow and green. The object itself, a leaden color, was 9 ft high and as wide as the road. Three beings, which looked human, illuminated by green light, could be seen moving about inside the UFO. Then, with a burst of orange flame, the object rose vertically and vanished.
Source: The Humanoids by Hanlon
Date: August 16 1965
Location: Sedalia Missouri
Time: 2300
Summary: The witness, an anonymous woman, was driving home at 2300 and was within a mile of her house when she saw a light in a field, with “smoke” around it. In the ditch she noticed two large “birds,” one of which flew at her car. She arrived home at 0025A, unable to account for the lapse of time. Under hypnotic regression she recalled that the “birds” in the ditch where in fact two entities wearing space suits; one carried a sack on its back, into which the other was putting clumps of grass and soil samples. They were “bouncing up & down, their arms flopping at their sides” in a “stiff” manner suggestive of robots. One started to come out of the ditch, slipped back, then emerged and stood in front of her; its helmet began to glow brilliantly, and she could now see that its head was wrapped up in tape like a mummy, with only the eyes visible. It stood slightly over 5 ft tall. At this point, a “thing—a football shaped UFO—landed on the road ahead of her car.” Two beings with slightly pointed heads & “wrap around” eyes emerged from it and opened her car door. They conducted her into the object, assuring her telepathically that she would not be hurt. The air inside the UFO was “heavy” and difficult for her to breathe. Once she was inside, they flew the ship over a nearby field, which caused its interior lights to change from white to red. One of the entities, who did most of the talking, appeared to be a scientist or doctor; he wore an insignia of 3 rings on his chest. Another had a red lighting flash symbol on his uniform; she took him to be the pilot. A third entity appeared to be a woman. All these stood 5’10” tall. The “doctor” put an object of some kind over her head; she felt as if something were going into her brain. A round black object was then taken out of the wall, and with it “pictures” were taken of her; the object glowed blue when the pictures were taken. On a screen on the wall appeared a pattern—7 vertical lines with markings between them—, which she thought must be a tabular representation of her brain and body. The two figures, about a foot shorter, made their appearance; resembling “gnomes,” they aroused fear in the witness. They appeared old; their foreheads were wrinkled. She was told by the humanoids that they and the “mummies” came from different planets. Finally she was led back to her car; the UFO ascended, and then vanished while still at low altitude.
Source: Ron Owen & Jerome Clark
Date: August 17 1965
Location: Lima Peru
Time: night
Summary: Hilda Santa Cruz, a police employee, was visited by “an extraterrestrial being, presumably a Martian” who knocked on her house door. She gave the alarm and the neighbors appeared, but the being had vanished; immediately afterwards, a luminous sphere was seen passing overhead at fantastic speed. No other information.
Source: The Humanoids by Hanlon
Date: August 1965
Summary: Aug. 18, 1965; Noblesville, IN
Top-shaped object with dome, body lights, hovered over car. E-M case.
Date: August 1965
Summary: Aug. 18, 1965; Cherry Creek, New York
Bull tried to escape as football-shaped object hovered.
Date: August 19 1965
Location: La Victoria Lima Peru
Time: unknown
Summary: Dora Nakamura, a waitress at the El Pollon restaurant, reported that a “little man with green skin and only one eye in his forehead” entered the restaurant and ordered chicken “with plenty of red pepper and powdered saffron.” Speechless, Miss Nakamura served the dinner and was paid in strange coins with “indecipherable signs” on them. Attempts to investigate this report were unsuccessful; the witness, claiming she was in a “delicate state of health,” said the report had bee a hoax and she would say no more about it.
Source: IPRI in FSR Vol. 13 # 6
Date: August 19 1965
Location: Canete Peru
Time: unknown
Summary: At a place southeast of Lima, Peru, 200 peasants affirmed that they saw “a little being with shining eyes” who came from the sky in a flying saucer. The “Institute Peruano de Relaciones Interplanetarias investigated the case” but their results are not known.
Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source
Date: August 19 1965
Location: Mexico City Mexico
Time: 0830A
Summary: Two students at the National Polytechnic Institute, Yago and Payo Rodriguez, saw a large luminous disc, surmounted with a cupola, land on tripod legs in an adjacent field. From it emerged two beings 31” tall, wearing “gas masks,” which laid before the students a metal bearing an inscription, then got back in and took off again. The metal was under study at the Institute. At the site were found scorched grass and landing gear marks.
Source: John A Keel & UPI Dispatch
Date: August 19 1965: Luumaki, Finland Close Encounter
Date: August 19, 1965: UFO Lands in Cherry Creek, NY
Date: August 19 1965
Location: Lockport, New York
Time: Between 8:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
Summary: a momentary target was picked up by an AN/FPS-6 Long Range Height Finder Radar of the 763rd Radar Squadron at Lockport AFS New York. The target was sighted near the upper limit of the radar. This system had a maximum range of 200 nautical miles and a height-finding capacity of 75,000 feet within an angle limit of minus 2 to plus 32 degrees.
Source: Dan Wilson
Date: August 1965
Summary: Aug. 20, 1965; Plattsburgh, New York (BBU)
At approximately 5:26 p.m. local time, a round, flat, disc-shaped object of 15-20 feet in diameter was observed in the sky. The object was circling back and forth in 1/2 mile radius circles with high speed turns. The object was bright metallic colored and was approximately 2-3 miles away from the observer who watched the object with artillery binoculars. The object showed a high rate of acceleration and disappeared to the east after approximately 3 minutes. A sighting was made on the GCA Radar at Plattsburgh AFB at about 5:30 p.m. A phenomena of isolated, high intensity jamming was noted. (Dan Wilson,
Date: August 20 1965
Location: Near Cuzco Peru
Time: 1150A
Summary: “Shortly before noon on August 20, 1965, numerous people, including an engineer, Señor Alberto Ugarte, and his wife, and a Señor Elwin Voter, saw a tiny disc land on a terrace of the ancient Inca Stone fortress of Sacsahuaman, just outside Cuzco. The disc was about 1.5 meters wide, of a vivid silvery color, and from it there emerged two small beings of strange shape and dazzling brightness. Discovering that there were so many people about, the little creatures at once went back into the disc that took off rapidly and vanished westwards.”
Source: (Bowen, pp. 119120).
Date: August 20 1965
Location: Mar Del Plata Buenos Aires Argentina
Time: 2300
Summary: Eduardo Lujan Yacobi and his wife, Teresa Ernestina Acuna, were returning to their home when, inside the city itself, they heard a loud hum and saw an oval reddish object, luminous and rotating, pass overhead and land 200 yards away. The object brushed the tops of nearby trees in its passage overhead and, after landing, the Yacobis could see luminous red or violet figures moving about it as if in some repair operation; after a short while these figures re-entered the machine, which took off and disappeared within a few seconds. Others in the neighborhood had seen the object’s passage overhead, and still others had heard the humming noise.
Source: The Humanoids citing newspaper source
Date: August 1965
Summary: Aug. 20, 1965; Pease AFB, New Hampshire
At about 11:30 p.m. EDT, the Watch Supervisor RAPCON tracked a UFO on a CPN-18 Radar from a position approximately seven miles NW of Pease AFB, to a position approximately two miles NW of Pease. The speed of the object was slow, sporadic at times. The Control Tower had visual contact with the object. The object was observed for about 30 minutes. (Dan Wilson)
Date: August 21 1965
Location: Near Mexico City Mexico
Time: unknown
Summary: It was reported that two independent groups of students, 3 from La Salle University and a party of high school boys, had separate but identical meetings with strange visitors. Each group had come upon a huge landed metallic disc 150 ft wide, emitting intense white light. Its blond and blue-eyed crewmembers, entirely human in appearance but 7 ft tall, wore seamless one-piece garments of metallic appearance. The students were invited into the craft and taken for a 3-hour journey to a huge space station. The humanoids communicated entirely by telepathy, and operated their instruments by thought-power. Many varieties of beings were seen at the space station; the students hosts were from the Jovian moon Ganymede. They said they knew 700 languages, and informed their guests that they would make mass landings, for “peaceful conquest,” in October of 1965.
Source: The Humanoids citing Newspaper source & UPI Dispatch
Date: August 22 1965
Location: San Antonio Texas
Time: 0100A
Summary: Two brothers, Gregory, 15, and Ralph Jr., 11, saw a luminous object passing by their bedroom window; it was cigar shaped, and moving slowly at the heights of trees outside the house. Shortly after the object passed out of view from the window, the boys heard a thump on the roof, followed by a knocking sound and footfalls. Being somewhat shaken by the appearance of the object, one of the boys jokingly called out, “Come in,” whereupon there was a bright flash at the doorway of the room, followed by the appearance of the silhouette of a man about the height of their father. By now badly frightened, they hastened to their parent’s room, where they insisted on spending the remainder of the night. The family lives in the vicinity of Brooks Air Force Base.
Source: Richard Hall for Nicap
Date: August 24 1965
Location: Apostoles Misiones Argentina
Time: 0100A
Summary: Casimiro Zuk was riding his bicycle near a railroad crossing when he saw a luminous object above him that circled, then landed near the tracks. It was round, 15 ft in diameter, and 7-8 ft high. A door opened, and a man dressed in a sparkling outfit that covered him from head to toe emerged, walked around, and then re-entered the object, which flew off in a spiral making a droning noise as it did.
Source: LDLN # 92, & Jacques Vallee
Date: August 26 1965
Location: Near Cuenca Ecuador
Time: 0130A
Summary: Hector Crespo, a highway engineer, his son Urgenio and Francisco Lopez, were approaching Zhulleng, 11 miles from Cuenca, when they saw two beams of bright light shining up into the sky. On going to investigate what they believed was a car wreck; they found a circular object 20 ft in diameter, with a transparent dome on top. A bright amber light kept flashing around the edge, and flickering red and blue beams were shining downwards. The 3 witnesses approached within 60 ft of the UFO and could see through an open door instruments and lights inside it. Three human like figures were seen outside the object, one apparently adjusting the light beam projector and the others handing him tools. All moved very slowly, “as if under water.” They were dressed in metallic looking silvery white close-fitting coveralls, with wide white belts, dark epaulets, and shiny helmets. At one point two of the “men” turned and looked directly at the spot where the witnesses were watching, as though knowing the operation was being watched, and then returned to the repairs. The object was standing on telescopic legs with curved dish like footpads, although they were uncertain as to whether there were three or four legs. Crespo’s son became so frightened that he was nauseated, so they went back to their car; after some time they saw the object take off, the light moving around the edge now a brilliant red and the vertical white beams now extinguished. Just before it “took off like lighting,” it became too bright to look at.
Source: Wendelle C Stevens, Saga UFO Report Spring 1975
Date: August 27 1965
Location: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Time: unknown
Summary: Gabriel Rubens Hellurg reported encountering a landed disc-shaped object on a rice field. He reportedly communicated via telepathy with several human-like occupants that informed him that they hailed from another solar system. Hellurg asserted that he was able to communicate telepathically and understood what he was being told. No other information.
Source:Fabio Picasso
Date: August 28 1965
Location: Glasgow AFB, Montana (BBU)
Time: 9:15 p.m.
Summary: A round, bright silver object, slightly larger than a pea held at arm’s length, was first observed by Capt Hubert R. Martin, a pilot of the 13th FIS. The object was first seen south of the base at an elevation of approximately 10 degrees. The object moved to the north over the base at a high rate of speed. It then appeared to stop and seemed to be moving in a circular direction. Then the object seemed to move up and out of sight in altitude. Other observers were: A1C William T. Stachwoicz, Tower Operator, A2C Edward L. Schmidt, Combat Alert Center Operator, and A2C Jesse J. Allen, Combat Alert Center Operator. There were no weather balloons in the area according to the 9th Weather Squadron. The object was observed for approximately 1 hour and 27 minutes.
Source: McDonald list
Date: August 29, 1965
Location: Warminster, England
Summary: Photograph of what was dubbed “The Warminster thing,” at that time. Taken on August 29, 1965, by Gordon Falkner, a young factory worker.
At this time there were many UFO reports in the region, some reported as cigar-shaped, other reported as discs. It is important to note that a disc observed at certain angles can appear to be “cigar” shaped.
Date: not later than August 30 1965
Location: Near Arequipa Peru
Summary: “Lima newspaper La Prensa of August 31, 1965, two people had recently been driving along the PanAmerican Highway when, at a place some 20 kilometers from Arequipa, they saw ‘a strange being, a Martian,’ who ‘resembled a shrub, was only 80 centimeters high, and had only one eye.’ The creature was of a blackish color. In addition to its single golden colored eye in the head, it also had other small eyes located up and down the body.” A few seconds later, they saw a flying saucer pass overhead.
Source: The Humanoids citing Newspaper source
Date: August 1965
Summary: Aug. 30, 1965; Urbana, Ohio (BBU 9864)
10:30 p.m. M. A. Lilly, N. Smith and T. Nastoff, saw a white ball, 5-8 ft in diameter and trailed by a 2-3 ft light, hit the road 100 ft in front of the witnesses’ car, then bounce and fly away. (Blue Book, Berliner)
Date: August 31 1965
Location: Espoo Finland
Time: unknown
Summary: A silent washtub-shaped 20-foot long object was seen hovering just above the treetops. A vague humanoid figure is seen moving inside through an apparent opening. No other information.
Source: Contact/Awareness 1976
Date: Aug. 31, 1965
Location: Tonopah & Winnemucca, Nevada BBU
Summary: At 9:30 p.m. local time, a green and red colored, oblong object was seen in the sky that made stops and starts and made right hand climbs described as movements not compatible with aircraft targets. This visual sightings was observed by more that 15 ground observers located at Fallon NAS, Nevada. At Tonopah, Nevada, radar tracked the object at 15,000 feet at a distance of 150 miles at 340 degrees. Ground radar from Winnemucca AFS, Nevada, placed the object at 15,000 ft. An observation was also made by a pilot of an F-102 aircraft. Totallength of observation was 3 hours and 15 minutes.
Source: (Dan Wilson) (McDonald list)
Date: late August 1965
Location: Seattle Washington
Time: 0200A
Summary: The witness suddenly awoke and realized she was paralyzed and could not move. Her bedroom window was open and then a small dull gray football shaped object entered. It hovered above her carpet; it then lowered three tripod legs and landed on the floor. A small ramp descended from it and five or six tiny man-like figures emerged. They wore tight fitting outfits and seemed to work on something on the object. They went up the ramp again and the object then floated silently out the window. At that point the witness was able to move again.
Source: John A Keel, UFOs Operation Trojan Horse
Date: August 1965
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