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(Last Updated On: )
Date: August 1, 1957
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Summary: Large glowing object hovered 20 minutes, sped away.
Source: UFOE, VII
Date: August 3, 1957
Location: About 175 SW of San Francisco, California BBU
Time: 7:45-8:24 a.m. (PDT).
Summary: USAF 965th Aircraft Early Warning & Control Sq (552nd AEW&C Wing), pilot 1st Lt. Robert J. Springer, Jr., Tech. Sgt. Herman L. Giles, and 16 other air crewmen, while on routine Airborne Operations Center radar early warning patrol over the Pacific aboard RC-121D aircraft (s/n 53-3400) detected a target on IFF Mode 2 transponder only. At 7:56 the IFF target became a direct radar “skin paint,” at 8:02 the IFF equipment APX-6/APX-7 was turned off but target was still tracked on airborne radar. At 8:15 target was at 2 o’clock position 10 miles range when aircraft started a right turn to reverse course putting target at dead ahead and target “suddenly” took off to the NW at “very high” speed, disappearing at 58 miles range (within 1-2 mins? at 1,800-3,600 mph?). Regained radar contact at 8:18 at 1 o’clock position 22 miles range moving right to left, crossed in front of aircraft again, closing distance to 8 miles at 11 o’clock position at 8:20 when target turned to head on parallel path. Lost contact at 8:24 at 7 o’clock position behind the plane at 15 miles, IFF remaining off, no visuals. () 37-39 mins
Source: Jan Aldrich
Date: August 7, 1957
Location: Ohio-Central Indiana BB
Time: 1:51 a.m. (radar)
Summary: Starting at around midnight strange objects with colored lights were sighted by troopers, local police and local citizens over Alexandria, Yorktown, Portland, Pendleton, Greenwood, Elwood, Tipton, and Kokomo, all in Indiana. The sightings lasted until nearly 2 a.m. It was at 1:51 a.m., Portland reported object still sighted northeast and that District 5 (Piqua area?) in Ohio picked up an object on radar at between 6,000 and 8,000 feet but was unable to identify. Bunker Hill AFB was alerted of the sightings by State Police and the 319th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron made a sweep of the local area with their radar installation but there were no contacts. (Reference: Logansport Pharos-Tribune, August 7, 1957, page 1) The speed of the objects was given as from a stand still to high speed.
Source: The Project Blue Book report for Bunker Hill AFB for August 7, 1957 is listed on the Master Index as (CASE MISSING). There is a Project 10073 Record Card. (Dan Wilson)
Date: August 1957
Summary: August 14, 1957; Nr. Joinville, Brazil
Varig Airlines pilot observed domed disc, which affected aircraft engines. [UFOE, X]
Date: August 1957
Summary: August 15, 1957; Woodland Hills, California
Retired Navy pilot watched disc wobble, climb away. [UFOE, IV]
Date: August 20, 1957
Location: Fujisawa, Japan
Time: 11:28 a. m
Summary: The picture was observed and photographed by Mr. Shinichi Takeda of Fujisawa City, Japan, near Enoshima Miami Beach at 11:28 a. m. on 20 August 1957. Thc object was also seen by Mr. Shinichi’s sister, who called his attention to it. It was silvery in color, gavc off a brilliant glow and at 3 or 4,000 fect attitude, traveling in a north to south direction. Whcn directly overhead, the object made a 80-degree left turn and increased its speed from about 250 mph to 500 mph and disappeared into the clouds. A few minutes later, 15 bathers at Enoshima-MiLianti Beach spotted a very similar object which passed over the beach at high speed. No sound accompanied thc observations.
Date: August 20, 1957
Location: Quilino Argentina
Summary: An Air Force man inside a tent heard a loud, shrill sound and saw a disk that came down as grass and plants fluttered wildly under it. He found himself unable to draw his gun, which “seemed to be glued in its holster.” A voice came from the craft, telling him in Spanish that UFO’s had a base in the Salta area and would soon show themselves to warn all people about the dangers of a nuclear catastrophe. ()
Source: Humanoids 36; Magonia 398
Date: August 20 or 22, 1957
Location: Quilino, Cordoba, Argentina
Summary: A story, probably from a newspaper of the time and place, surfaced without much details in the ufology literature, about a UFO encounter near Quilino, in the Province of Cordoba, in Argentina, on August 20, or 22, 1957. An unnamed male officer was on a mission with two other officers to guard a downed air force plane until proper men and equipment could reach the site and recover it. He was left alone in a tent tent, when he heard a strange buzzing sound, extremely loud and high pitched. Rushing outside, he saw a disc going down slowly, while the plants and the grass were violently agitated. He was terrorized and tried to pull out his revolver, but under some influence that came from the disc, according to what he said to have felt, he could not bring his weapon out, as it seemed to be stuck to its holster. Then, a voice coming from the disc told him in Spanish not to be frightened, because the Interplanetary Space Force had already a base in the area of Salta nearby, and would soon show themselves to all the people of the Earth so that everybody gets informed of the danger of the bad use of atomic energy.
Date: August 22, 1957
Location: Cecil Naval Air Station Florida
Time: 1540
Summary: ). A black, bell-shaped object bearing two bright, white lights at the top and measuring 15 m in diameter was chased by a civilian in a car until the engine stalled. The object was then hovering 3 m away. The underside of the machine resembled a disk with fins. When a jet air- craft took off from the airfield, the object went out of sight almost instantaneously. The car battery was found completely dead. There was no helicopter in the area, although the two witnesses compared the noise made by the object to that of a helicopter.
Source: Magonia 399
Date: August 1957
Summary: Aug. 22-23, 1957; Cambria AFS, Calif (BBU)
7:35 p.m. local time. Two or three round, red and orange objects the size of a pea at arm’s length were observed in a stack formation one above the other to the southwest at 15 degrees elevation. The objects were observed through binoculars. FPS-6 radar HRI was detecting objects in the same direction. Two F2H Navy fighter aircraft out of Moffet Field were sent to the area and made visual contact. When the fighters got within 50 miles of the objects both fighter’s IFF disappeared from PPI of FPS-3 radar. The fighter aircraft IFF did not reappear until the fighters were approximately 70 miles from the objects. Total length of observation was approx. 1 hour and 30 minutes. (Dan Wilson, Brad Sparks, McDonald List, FUFOR Index)
Date: August 1957
Summary: Aug. 24,1957; Ninigo Islands, South Pacific
Date: August 1957
Summary: Aug. 27, 1957; Dry Tortugas, Florida (BBU)
4:45 p.m. (EDT?). Crew of military aircraft saw an object with bright red to reddish-yellow pulsating light. The speed of the object was approximately 950 knots at an estimated altitude of 20,000 feet. The object was also picked up on an aircraft APG-51A radar as large blip at 20 miles range. An intercept was attempted and was discontinued because of the speed of the object. Pilot visually followed the object as it faded from sight. (Dan Wilson, Brad sparks, Project 1947)
Date: August 1957
Summary: Aug. 27, 1957; Eglin AFB, Florida (BB)
Date: August 1957
Summary: Aug. 29, 1957; Paso Robles, Calif. (BBU)
Daytime? Taylor and Bunting saw silver circular object flying N to W. (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 44; FUFOR Index) 4 mins
Date: August 1957
Summary: Aug. 30, 1957; Chesapeake Bay, nr. Norfolk, Virginia
Night. A Capital Airlines pilot with 17 years & 3,000,000 miles logged was flying a Viscount at 12,000′ approaching Norfolk, Va., with a Northeast Airlines DC-6 “directly above” on the same heading at 20,000. The Viscount pilot saw a “brilliant” object which “flew fast and then abruptly halted 20 mi. in front of us at 60,000 ft. altitude.” The Northeast pilot tried to acquire the object on radar: with the antenna at 0 degrees elevation nothing was detected, but with the antenna elevated to 15 degrees he acquired “an excellent blip right where I told him to look for the object.” According to the Viscount pilot, the object “dissolved right in front of my eyes, and the crew above lost it from the scope at the same time. They said it just faded away.” The entire incident lasted “several minutes”. (NARCAP Report item # 14)
Date: August 1957
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