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Location: Unnamed American military base, United States
Date: October 1954
Time: various
The witness reported seeing a metallic saucer shaped object land nearby. A human looking being emerged from it, picked up some pebbles, earth and grass, and took a nest from a bush. The being went back into the craft, which took off at incredible speed and vanished. A few days later the saucer landed in the middle of the airfield, its human like pilot emerged and appeared to inspect it. As several men approached the craft the man straightened up, saw them and apparently immobilized them with some unknown gas. The after watching the witnesses for a moment he walked around the saucer, climbed into a kind of “cigar” which was parked next to the saucer and took off vertically. The witnesses were again able to move. As they neared the object a short stocky hairy being, ape like in appearance with glowing eyes, ran from it and disappeared into the brush. The saucer was apparently left on the ground and was recovered by the American military.
Source: Timothy Good, Alien Base quoting Jean Sider
Location: Chatellerault & Bugeat France
Date: October 1954
Time: unknown
Two men, at separate locations 120 miles away, allege independently that normal looking beings approached them, kissed them, jabbered unintelligibly, and then got into cigar shaped objects, 10 feet long, and took off.
Source: Harold T Wilkins, Flying Saucers Uncensored
Date: October 1954: Engineer observes lens-shaped disc in New York
Location: Binghampton New York
Date: October 1954
Time: unknown
Walking across the Eli golf course searching for mushrooms, Larry White encountered a landed UFO with two human occupants standing along side it. They were dressed in metallic colored snowsuits. They conversed with White in English with a foreign accent. They told him they learned languages by means of computerized analysis of basic sounds, “formed into a type of universal graph or code.” They would intervene and “take over” in the event of an atomic war, but would take nothing from us by conquest. They asked White if he wanted to visit their home planet; he demurred, not wishing to end up as a “human guinea pig in a laboratory.” The object was round and saucer shaped, with a glass like tube or ring around the perimeter, through which moved an expanding and contracting coil. The object “was powered by an electro magnetic turbine which takes its power from the elements around it.” The beings took some ground samples and then departed. Next day, White saw police officers examining a ring of burnt soil four feet wide and 14 feet in diameter at the site. The local newspaper reportedly carried a story on the traces, although the witness did not divulge his contact until 20 years later.
Source: Carl Davidson & Richard Hall
Date: October 1954: Jessie Roestenberg and Sons’ Encounter
Location: Soissons France
Date: October 1954
Time: unknown
Father & son see landed metallic saucer shaped object, and then sees a little man climb the ladder into object. Ladder retracts and the object shoots up & high speed.
Source: LDLN # 319
Location: North Queensland Australia
Date: October 1954
Time: unknown
In a remote area a man was inspecting sheep on horseback when he heard a whirring sound. He then saw six white elliptical shaped objects that descended and landed ¾ of a mile away. A dozen “men” wearing uniforms emerged from the objects and re-entered them after noticing the witness. The witness then blacked out and had a “vision” of a future event. No other information.
Source: Mark Moravec, Psiufo Phenomena
Location: Near Metz, France
Date: October 1954
Time: 0500A
Factory worker Pierre Bardou was walking on his way to work when he saw in front of him a small monk-like figure wearing a dark smock that chanted in a bizarre “crystalline” voice, absurd verses and poems. The figure suddenly disappeared.
Source: Raoul Robe, Regional Catalogue
Location: Vellenueve-sur-Lot France
Date: October 1954
Time: noon
A metallic saucer shaped object was seen landing silently near a river. A small humanoid emerged from the object and filled a bottle with water from the river. He quickly leaves.
Source: Figeut Ruchon, Ovni Dossier
Location: Semons France
Date: October 1954
Time: 2200
A farmer saw a landed disc shaped object on a pasture. When the calves in a nearby field start bleating, a small human like figure was seen running into the object. The object then quickly departs.
Source: LDLN # 319.
Location: Albias, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Date: October 1954
Time: night
The witness observes a spherical object land silently on tripod-like landing gear. Three short humanoids are briefly seen moving around the object. The UFO then rises vertically and takes a horizontal trajectory quickly disappearing from sight.
Source: Michel Figuet
Location: Braunstone Firth England
Date: October or November 1954
Time: 2300
A Mrs. Creswell, together with her mother, observed an object moving slowly over the rooftops in the back of their house. Moving with a slight roll, it was shaped like two deep saucers rim-to-rim and displayed three-square windows around the central edge facing the women. In the whitish glow form within, they saw a slim humanoid figure, 5 to 6’ tall, dressed in a black one-piece suit. Framed in the window to their right, the lower half of this figure’s body was not visible; his hands seemed to be resting in front of him on what may have been controls. He wore a balaclava like headpiece and stared from the window at the women with “eyes that seemed to penetrate.”
Source: Graham Hall, NUFON News # 48
Location: Near Lugescourt Somme France
Date: October 1 1954
Time: 1645
Two young men were bicycling when they saw on the road, 500 ft ahead, a beehive-shaped orange object about 9 ft in diameter and 6 ft high. Then they saw a being of small stature dressed in a diving suit, which ran rapidly around the object. It took off without sound when the witnesses were 150 ft away.
Source: J. Guieu in Black Out
Location: Jussey France
Date: October 1 1954
Time: 1900
Two young men saw a luminous white disk moving in the sky. It dived to the ground, and 2 very tall men dressed in white emerged from it and made gestures. The witnesses ran away in fear.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 173
Location: La Rouliere France
Date: October 1 1954
Time: 2000
Near Saint Jean d’Angely, two executives, Estier & Phelippeau, who were driving back from Royan, saw a little man crossing the road in front of their car. Having stopped, they saw the figure disappear into the woods.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 174
Location: Jonches, France
Date: October 2 1954
Time: unknown
Two humanoid creatures were seen on the ground, and 2 hours later a luminous red object at very low altitude was observed at the same spot. No other information.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 178
Location: Croix d’Epine France
Date: October 2 1954
Time: 2000
Ernest Delattre, 19, a mechanic, was riding home on his motor scooter when an egg shaped object, brilliantly illuminated, landed on the left side of the road 15 meters away. He saw short, dark shapes, “like potato bags” moving about the object. He sped up, 7 saw the object, the size of a small bus, taking off while its color changed from orange to blue. The witness fainted while telling his story. The object was observed by 2 other witnesses.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 180
Location: Near Saint Amand-les-Eaux Nord France
Date: October 3 1954
Time: 0015A
About 15 minutes after midnight, a metallurgy worker, Marcel Senechal, was riding his bicycle on a canal towpath when he heard voices; in a nearby meadow he saw a spherical object some 3 meters in diameter near which were two beings, one meter tall, who were talking to one another. Their heads were very large and their outfits luminous. The witness fled. Next morning he reported it to the gendarmes who were unable to find any traces when they returned to the site.
Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
Location: Bressuire Deux Sevres France
Date: October 3 1954
Time: 0545A
M. Angelo Girardo was traveling by motor scooter to his work at Bressuire when he noticed a luminous craft, “like a cask standing upright in the grass.” A man of small stature, dressed in a dark uniform without helmet, was standing beside the object; he gesticulated toward Girardo, who sped away. When he looked back, object and man had disappeared.
Source: Jimmy Guieu, Black Out
Location: Lac La Pause Quebec Canada
Date: October 3 1954
Time: 1600
A man canoeing in a local lake suddenly felt a prickling sensation on his back and saw the water boiling around him. Looking up he saw a bronze colored oval shaped craft. The object flew over and landed near the shore, two small men with transparent headgear and white rubber suits emerged from the object, they had steel like claws and gathered up some vegetation before leaving, at one point they made some gargling sounds.
Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters
Location: Athus, Luxembourg
Date: October 3 1954
Time: 1600
Mrs. E. and her two young children had decided to go for a short walk in the direction of a small brook in a forested area. The walk usually lasted for an hour but on this date they came back 3 hours later and were met by a worried husband. However they had no further recollection of what had transpired. Years later their memory returned and on that afternoon they remembered seeing a large dark object on the ground next to the river. Thinking that it was a helicopter in trouble the group approached when they noticed standing near the machine a group of 4 to 5 small beings, about 1.10 to 1.50m in height, which seemed to be discussing something between them. At this point the witnesses realized that the beings were not human. At this point their memory becomes hazy and can only recall that a slightly taller humanoid seems to be directing the smaller beings. A group of the small creatures approach the witnesses from the woods walking in Indian file. At this point what appears to be a gray sphere falls from the sky and lands next to the witnesses, incredibly the sphere resembles a “round smooth head, covered with a cap, with very deep eyes without pupils” and appears to float without a visible body supporting it. The period following becomes increasingly confusing. Finally the family remembers seeing the creatures entering the landed object one by one. The “floating head” nonchalantly supported itself by the opened door while the beings re-entered the object one by one. Before entering the object the last humanoid made a warning hand gesture to the witnesses, which suddenly felt a strong gust of hot air, which obliged them to close their eyes and lower their heads. The craft had now disappeared. The witnesses further describe the beings as having large heads, long arms, wearing gray combination suits with caps.
Source: Franck Boitte
Location: Near Vron France
Date: October 3 1954
Time: 1845
Two young cyclists, Bernard Devoisin and Rene Coudette, both 18, saw in the middle of the road an orange luminous object of “haystack” shaped, 3 yards wide & 2 yards high. Approaching to within 70 yards, they observed a being “the height of a child, dressed like a diver,” which entered the UFO. The craft took off without a sound.
Source: Aime Michel; Magonia 183
Location: Marcoing France
Date: October 3 1954
Time: night
Bakers apprentice Serge Pochet was approached by 2 small shadowy entities, about 3-feet tall. No other information.
Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper reports
Location: Chaleix France
Date: October 4 1954
Time: unknown
M. Garreau, who was regarded as trustworthy by local residents, saw a round flying object, the size of a small truck, shaped somewhat like a cauldron. It landed in his field, and a door slid open. Two “normal” men in brown coveralls came out. They looked like Europeans and shook hands with Garreau. Then they asked, “Paris? North?” The poor farmer was so taken aback that he did not answer. The two men stroked his dog and flew away.
Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source
Landed NATO helicopter with men in khaki suits.
Location: Saint Pardoux France
Date: October 4 1954
Time: 0810A
M. Lacambre, a forester, reported seeing at the edge of a brook a little man 3’2” tall, wearing wide brown leather girdle, boots, and a slip. Under each arm the small entity carried an object in the shape of a pear. Surprised, the witness runs back to his cabin and grabs a shotgun. Upon returning he sees the small being, bending over the brook drinking water from his hands, it then collects some stones, which he puts in his belt and when Mr. Lacambre approaches to within 12 meters from the humanoid he hears the humanoid emit a sound similar to “ortou” or “ortin”. The humanoid then flies up vertically and disappears. Footprints were found at the site.
Source: Figuet/Ruchon 1979
Location: Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France
Date: October 4 1954
Time: morning
The witness was on his bicycle exploring the river edge when suddenly he heard a man calling him, who stood by a thicket close to him. At first he ignored the man but he called for him again. He stopped and asked him want he wanted. He did not answer, but beckoned for him to approach. With hesitation he advanced towards the man and at this point noticed what he was wearing. He wore a brown aviator suit, boots and in his hand held something resembling a gas mask. He beckoned the witness to follow him to a nearby field. Astonished but curious, he followed him with a certain apprehension. As he arrived at the field he saw what appeared to be a disc-shaped craft on the ground. Frozen with fright he wanted to flee, but his legs did not obey him and he stayed there, stunned as if in a dream. The man standing next to smiled at him with a mocking face. He described the object as a translucent disc, about ten meters in diameter by two meters in height approximately. It was surmounted by a kind of transparent cupola. A door opened on the smooth surface making the interior of the machine visible. On the inside walls there well all sorts of bizarre apparatuses. In the center there was a circular table covered with levels buttons and lit with green lights. The machine rested on three retractable legs. At this point he noticed on the hull odd sings painted in black, which did not correspond to any letter or languages or dialects on earth. Amazed he looked at the man who was still there smiling at him. At this point he spoke to the witness in French, with a strange accent. He told him not to be frightened, that he wasn’t going to harm him. He then told the witness that he was from another world. He then added, ‘Do not be astonished that I speak your language, our civilization, is much more advanced than yours. We know all about the wars that plague your planet (and the ones to come) and is for this reason that for some time our aircraft have been flying over your world”. He then continued, “Your nuclear weapons tests worry us. We fear for the peace of the solar system of which your Earth if part of. If another World War would start we would intervene. Any attempt of destruction would be stopped and annihilated by means unknown by your science. We hope that we will never have to intervene.” The strange briefing finished with these words. The extraterrestrial then walked toward his saucer at the same time putting on the helmet that he was carrying. He saluted the witness with his hand and then entered the object. The door slid close without a sound and suddenly a pale yellow light illuminated the saucer. A sort of whistling escaped from openings located all around the saucer. It then rose gently vertically like a helicopter ten meters from the ground. The landing gear disappeared, it then moved slowly gaining altitude and reaching a vertiginous speed it disappeared from sight.
Source: Jean Sider, France
Location: Villers-le-Tilleul France
Date: October 4 1954
Time: 1840
10-year old Eliane Berteaux had just led the cows to pasture and was returning in her moped when she saw some meters to her left what appeared to be a metallic tent. While she approached she saw a trap door being raised to the top of the object, which was really an object resembling a large egg. It rested on the ground on a rectangular base. The trap door measured about 1 m in height and 60 cm in width. A small humanoid then appeared. It jumped to the ground. On his head he wore a large square helmet. It had very piercing eyes and arms that hung on its sides. It wore a russet red color outfit. The humanoid moved towards the witness and this one ran away in fear. In the same area, Antoine Barrois, 70 years of age saw a red luminous object rise from the ground. .
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 193
Location: Near Taupignac Charente Maritimes France
Date: October 4 1954
Time: 1930
Three unidentified people were returning to Brueillet when near Taupignac, they observed a red luminous object hovering over a nearby wood. They stopped the car and got out, observing a round device about 6 meters in diameter, hovering motionless about 10 or 12 meters above the ground. After a few seconds it moved off horizontally, and then descended into a small wooded area. Taking with them flashlights, two of the riders entered the woods; in a clearing they discovered the object, around which four little beings of one-meter height were busying themselves. As the two witnesses approached, the beings quickly entered the object, which emitted blue, then orange, and then red lights, dazzling them. It ascended quickly without any noise.
Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
Location: Megrit France
Date: October 4 1954
Time: 2200
M. Leherisse observed a flat, luminous, metallic looking object, 7, or 8 ft wide, hovering 150 ft above a garage. He could see dark forms moving about like shadows in the lighted mass. As he approached it, the object rapidly moved away.
Source: Aime Michel
Date: October 1954
Summary: Oct. 5, 1954; Houston, Texas (BBU)
At 12:45 a.m. CST, lights the size of a pea changed from orange to bluish-green, were seen below observer’s aircraft. Objects maintained no set flight pattern. Objects would suddenly disappear and then reappear in different numbers and different formations. Two objects were picked up on air radar set. The length of observation was 45 minutes. The time given on the Project Record Card is confusing and given as 05/0645Z (Night) [Smith?] (McDonald list, Mary Castnor/CUFOS),
Location: Loctudy France
Date: October 5 1954
Time: 0400A
Baker’s assistant Pierre Lucas was drawing water from a well when he saw a ball of fire descend, resting on 3 feet, across the road. There emerged a 4-foot tall being with a hairy face and eyes the size of crow’s eggs, wearing a helmet from which antenna like wires protruded. This being tapped Lucas on the shoulder and uttered incomprehensible words. Lucas ran for his boss, but when the baker came out there was nothing.
Source: Jacques Vallee 196
Location: Mertrud France
Date: October 5 1954
Time: 0715A
Road mender Andre Narcy was motorcycling to work when he noticed an orange colored object in a field. Approaching, he saw it to be a 10-meter disc with a large dome on top. He walked up to within 100 yards, and observed a 4-foot tall being dressed in a very hairy overcoat. Narcy called to him, but he re-entered the craft and took off, causing an extensive “wash.” At the spot the grass was found crushed within a 3-meter square, and had a milky color. 12 parallel tracks of spherical prints were also found.
Source: Jacques Vallee 198.
Location: Wassy, France
Date: October 5 1954
Time: morning
A golden-orange sphere with a dome on top plunged to the ground and bounced several times across a field this morning. The witness, Mr. G. Oldut, saw a one-meter tall Dwarfin (Dwarf) merge and then re-enter the craft. It rose up into the sky and disappeared.
Source: David F Webb & Ted Bloecher HUMCAT, quoting Paris Radar October 17 1954
Location: Roverbella, Mantova, Italy
Date: October 5 1954
Time: night
A fisherman claimed to have seen a mysterious creature which was dressed in a red suit and spoke to him in an incomprehensible language. Another rumor, reportedly originating from an anonymous location in the province of Mantua, involved the landing of a “Martian” craft witnessed by a boy. The boy threw a stone at the metallic object, and then a rubber tipped arrow. In both instances he heard a metallic sound.
Source: Jacques Vallee 195
Location: Near Ann Arbor Michigan
Date: October 5 1954
Time: night
After contacting supposed extraterrestrials on short wave radio, Richard Miller was instructed to go to an isolated location near the city. After 15 minutes a disc shaped object appeared and landed nearby. A doorway opened in the base of the vehicle and a staircase descended. He then saw at the head of the stairway a young man dressed in a brown one-piece outfit. He beckoned Miller to enter the object, which he did. He found himself standing in a large circular hallway, which seemed to encircle the whole craft. The young man radiated of friendliness, which put Miller at ease. Miller was then taken to a control room where he met the “alien” commander, Soltec that greeted him in perfect English. He was then given a message of love for the human race & told that we were not ready for contact.
Source: Andy Page UFO
Location: Rethel, Ardennes France
Date: October 6 1954
Time: 0030A
30-year old mechanic Joseph Roy was returning on National Highway 51 from Reims to his home at Rethel, a distance of 25 km, on his motorcycle. When he noticed ahead of him a sharp and reddish gleam which suddenly disappeared, arriving at the point where he had seen the gleam he noticed an odd object in the field, about 3 meters in length, having the form of a large shell, with several portholes on the front. He is then able to distinguish a vague silhouette, but seized with fright, he fled the area. Three other workmen reported seeing the same gleam in the area.
Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
Location: Cozes Charente Maritime France
Date: October 6 1954
Time: 2330
An unidentified woman, riding a bicycle from Bordeaux to Royan, saw in a field at Cozes an object shaped like a turtle, surmounted by a cupola. It emitted first an orange light, then green, dimming and brightening alternately. Two human forms appeared nearby, one of which carried a shaft or rod and seemed to be looking for something. A violet light from the object illuminated the beings and the woman was able to make out two small human like faces behind the faceplates in their helmets. But instead of noses, she could see only two small holes just above the mouth; and instead of the two usual eyes, she saw a single eye in the middle of the forehead. Letting out a scream, the object (and the two beings, presumably) disappeared emitting a slight hum.
Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
Location: Near Mendionde Basses Pyrenees France
Date: October 7 1954
Time: morning
M. Manes Cuesurtia, a Basque, going to work, discovered in a prairie two red mushroom shaped objects about 6 ft in diameter. Beside them were standing two little men only 2.5 ft tall, who made signs to the witness to approach. After uttering some incomprehensible sentences, the little men indicated by signs that M Cuesurtia should enter one of the vehicles. They entered the other one, and flew off vertically without sound. The witness approached the remaining UFO and saw inside it a third little man; the door was suddenly shut in his face, and the object flew of like the other one, displacing a slight current of air. Traces were found; the grass of the prairie was crushed down and yellowed.
Source: M Itehova for Sud Quest Newspaper
Location: Dommartin Oise France
Date: October 7 1954
Time: 0700A
A 12-year old girl, said that as she was going alone to Dommartin she saw a flying saucer fly close over her, and that form it came “2 strange beings armed with long knives,” who departed without having touched the ground. The girl was put into a hysterical state, but nevertheless some attributed her story to imagination.
Source: Alain Gamard
Location: Hennezis France
Date: October 7 1954
Time: 1830
Claude, 10, and Francoise, 9, Lansselin saw a red luminous object resembling a “red egg,” on the ground; Claude also saw two men clad in black and appearing normal looking descend from the object. The witnesses left the scene.
Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source; Magonia 203
Location: Metz France
Date: October 8 1954
Time: unknown
A road worker was on his way home when he encountered an immobile dark mass near the ground. The dark mass emitted powerful beams of light. Through an opening the witness saw a weak light and several vague moving silhouettes. Frightened he ran to the village to notify the police. The object had disappeared when the witness returned with others.
Source: Raoul Robe, Catalogue Regional
Location: Tehran Iran
Date: October 8 1954
Time: 0230A
Ghaseme Fili saw a luminous white flying object that stopped about 20 meters away. Inside it he could see a small man dressed in black clothing and wearing on his head a mask shaped like an elephant’s trunk. Then Fili “felt as though I were being drawn up to the object, as though by a magnet.” He cried out in terror, and the object shot straight upward, emitting sparks.
Source: FSR Vol. 13 # 2; Magonia 211
Location: Sassari Sardinia
Date: October 8 1954
Time: 0700A
A white luminous kite-like object circled the area; looking like “an oval sail,” it came down to 5 ft above the ground, 60 ft away. Attached to it was a man dressed in black and wearing a helmet; “this pilot guided his vessel like a sailor, swinging back & forth.” “As soon as he saw men,” said the shepherd Giuseppe Mimia, “he threw some pamphlets that I was unable to read.” After circling several times he sailed away. The owner of the sheep pen confirmed the findings of some pamphlets in a language unknown to him.
Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source
Location: St Claud Charente France
Date: October 8 1954
Time: 2300
M Puygelier, 24, a chauffeur, was driving to St Claud when, 1/3 mile from the town, he saw a luminous egg-shaped UFO descend, oscillate for a few seconds, and finally land behind a hedge a few yards from the road. He drove on to St Claud, but returned with another witness. The UFO was no longer present, but at the site they saw a human silhouette standing motionless on the roadside gravel. The next morning, a strip of burnt grass 10 ft long was found at the spot, and around it the grass was much trodden down.
Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source
Location: Huy Belgium
Date: October 9 1954
Time: unknown
A mail carrier saw a cigar shaped object with 2 “roughly human” silhouettes aboard. It rose into the sky as he approached. No other information.
Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source; Magonia 213
Location: Carcassonne France
Date: October 9 1954
Time: 1600
Driving near Carcassonne, Jean Bertrand saw a bright metallic sphere on the road ahead. The top half seemed to be made of transparent plastic, and 2 human like figures were standing inside. It took off rapidly, flying east.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 219
Location: Pournoy-la-Chetive France
Date: October 9 1954
Time: 1830
Gilbert Calda, 12, with 3 younger children, was roller-skating when “a round shiny machine came down very close to us. Out of it came a kind of man, 4-feet tall, dressed in a black sack like a cassock. His head was hairy, and he had big eyes. “He said things to me that we couldn’t understand, and we ran away. When we stopped and looked back, the machine was going up into the sky very fast.”
Source: Jimmy Guieu; Magonia 220
Location: Rinkerode Germany
Date: October 9 1954
Time: 1900
Willi Hoge, a projectionist, saw a cigar shaped object hovering about 6 ft above the ground and emitting a blinding blue luminosity. Beneath it were 4 Dwarfin (Dwarfs) about 3.5 high, with large heads, squat bodies, and spindly legs, wearing rubber like clothing. He watched for 10 minutes and got to within a few yards. After ten minutes the beings entered their craft by means of a ladder, and it rose vertically.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 217
Location: Lavoux France
Date: October 9 1954
Time: 1900
Roger Barrault, bicycling in the dusk, found himself confronting a humanoid about 4.5 ft tall, dressed in a “diver’s suit.” Its feet “had no heels” & its helmeted head looked like a shaggy bunch of hair out of which shone dazzling eyes. Two lights, like very bright headlights, one above the other, were on its front. It moved along the road for a minute and disappeared in the woods.
Source: Aime Michel; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 221
Possible Kid in costume with lights.
Location: Cloyes-sur-le-Loir France
Date: October 9 1954
Time: 1930
Witness sees a two-meter fireball land on the road. A dark human silhouette is then seen standing in front of it. The witness is paralyzed and feels fear. No other information.
Source: Figeut/Ruchon Ovni Dossier
Location: Briatexte France
Date: October 9 1954
Time: 2030
Jean Pierre Mitto was driving near Briatexte with his 2 cousins when they perceived 2 small beings the size of 11 or 12-year-old children crossing the road in front of the car; he braked to a stop. Immediately they saw a red glowing disc rise straight up into the sky from an adjoining field. Traces were found.
Source: Aime Michel, quoting Local Police: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 222
Location: Marville-Moutier France
Date: October 10 1954
Time: 0615A
Michel Toutain was driving his moped towards Blanville when it suddenly stops and does not advance; seemingly stuck in inertia, in spite of all the efforts by Michel the moped did not budge. He checks the engine and then notices about 500 meters to his right, a luminous object, resembling a red sphere, with a green upper section resembling the lid on a boiler. He sees a cockpit with four silhouettes standing inside. A light within the cockpit turns on at first becoming green, then pink and as the object disappears gaining altitude it becomes white and then blue. As the object disappears from a sight, a luminous ball seems to detach itself from it and travels in a different direction. A second witness, Mr. Josse saw the object depart.
Source: Figuet, J L Ruchon
Location: Forges-les-Eaux, Seine-Maritime, France
Date: October 10 1954
Time: morning
Guard forester, Mr. Flechelle and an Italian contractor residing in Forges, Mr. Antoine X, whose last name was not revealed, were in the woods of Epinay not far from the clay pigeon shooting range. They suddenly saw a mysterious machine, which landed in the site reversed from the shooting range. Three hairy men of small size came out, and one of them put his arm on the shoulder of Mr. Flechelle. A photographer was later called to take a photograph of the landing site of the object, which had disappeared without leaving any traces.
Source: Jean Sider quoting “La Depeche du Pays de Bray”
Location: Quarouble France
Date: October 10 1954
Time: 1130A
Marius Dewilde (involved in a previous encounter) and his 4-year old son were walking near his home. Suddenly Dewilde saw a disc-shaped object on the ground on some nearby railroad tracks, about 50 meters away. Walking cautiously towards the craft Dewilde noticed a rectangular shaped aperture at the base of the cupola and a row of windows. Several humanoids stood around the object. One of them, who appeared to be the leader, approached Dewilde and his son, while they stood several meters from the craft. The humanoid (leader) was about 1.20m in height, and wore a helmet equipped with a transparent faceplate. His facial features were Asiatic. He had a protruding chin and pointed cheeks, the hair was jet-black in color its eyes were brown and its skin was bronzed. In a friendly gesture the humanoid caressed Dewilde’s son, whom Dewilde was carrying in his arms, the humanoid then tapped Dewilde on his back several times, smiling as he did and then pronounced several unintelligible words. Immediately afterwards the humanoid grabbed a chicken, which he gave to one of the other humanoids. The humanoid again caressed Dewilde’s son and slapped Dewilde’s back and then climbed onboard the object. A metallic panel closed the door and the object took off vertically and disappearing towards the east.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 226
Location: Clamecy-Sassier, France
Date: October 11 1954
Time: 0430A
While driving, Henri Gallois & Louis Vigneron felt something like an electric shock, which paralyzed them; at the same time the motor stalled and the headlights went out. Then they saw, 50 yards away, a cylindrical object. 3 small figures, making lively movements & gestures, were seen to enter the saucer, which flew off; the headlights went back on, & they could move again.
Source: Aime Michel;Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 234
Location: Taupignac France
Date: October 11 1954
Time: 1930
Three anonymous residents of Bordeaux got out of their car to observe an orange luminous disc, 20 ft in diameter, hovering over the ground. Walking, they then found it on the ground, with 4 little creatures 3 ft tall engaged in some kind of activity. When they got within 50 ft these beings rushed into the object, which then emitted dazzling blue, orange, and red light, and left the ground at “terrifying” speed.
Source: Aime Michel: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 238
Location: Los Angeles California
Date: October 12 1954
Time: unknown
A witness who refused to give his name said that he had seen a flying saucer land in MacArthur Park and “a little man in a white suit get out.” A truck then came and carried away both the saucer and the little man.
Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source
Location: Vernose-en-Annonay Ardeche France
Date: October 12 1954
Time: 0620A
Yvonne S, on her way to work on foot, saw a luminous white sphere descend from the sky and hover over her pathway on a hillside, about 70 meters ahead and 50 meters above the ground. She could see inside, as though the walls were transparent, two human forms like men dressed in one piece suits, one larger than the other. The object shot off at great speed, and then returned to the same spot; it did this once more, at which time Yvonne was only 50 meters distant, then sped away for good. When she passed by the spot over which the object had hovered, she was greatly frightened. She arrived at work in a highly agitated state. 48 hours later she was required to see a physician, who prescribed a sedative for her. A few days later, the woman’s toenails had begun to dry and harden, and subsequently fell off. Those on her left foot were particularly affected. The malady, which remained a mystery to doctors, persisted for the next 20 years.
Source: Jean Louis Ruchon
Location: Mamora Forest Morocco
Date: October 12 1954
Time: afternoon
A French engineer driving to Port Lyautey saw a dwarf 4 ft tall wearing silver coveralls, which entered a landed metallic object that soon took off. No other information.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 241
Location: Carcassonne, France
Date: October 12 1954
Time: 1600
The witness, a mechanic, watched a spherical object flying at a low altitude over the area; its lower part appeared to be made out of a shiny metal and the top half transparent plastic. Two human like figures could be seen standing inside the object, which disappeared at very high speed.
Source: Jean Luc Rivera, Mufon Journal # 130
Location: Montlucon France
Date: October 12 1954
Time: evening
M Laugere, a railway employee, saw a 12-foot long metallic torpedo resting beside a diesel oil tank. Nearby was a man “either covered with hair or wearing a long, hairy overcoat.” Laugere asked him what he wanted; the reply was not understood, but he thought he heard the word “gasohol.” Laugere went to report to the stationmaster, but before he had gone 100 yards the machine took off.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 243
Prank on credulous man
Location: Orchamps-Vennes France
Date: October 12 1954
Time: 2100
Franzesko Beuc encountered, beside the road, a machine resembling a “4-CV” supported by 4 wheels 15” diameter. Nearby was a man slightly less than 5 ft tall, dressed in a leather jacket & wearing a helmet. The Beuc spoke to him, he jumped into the machine, which rolled 30 yards down the road, then took off into the sky.
Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 242
Location: Sainte-Marie d’Herblay France
Date: October 12 1954
Time: 2230
13-year old Gilbert Lelay was walking around outside, about half a mile away from his parent’s home when he saw, in a pasture, a machine he described as a “phosphorescent cigar.” Close to the object was a man wearing a gray suit, boots and a gray hat. In a familiar gesture, the man put his hand on Gilbert’s shoulder and told him in French: “Look but don’t touch.” In his other hand, the man held a sphere from which purple rays were emitted. Shortly thereafter, he climbed aboard the craft and shut the door with a clapping sound. Gilbert had time to something like a control console with numerous colored lights on it. The craft arose vertically, made a couple of loops while throwing light in all directions, and vanished.
Source: Jacques Vallee 245
Location: Keerbergen, Brabant, Belgium
Date: October 13 1954
Time: afternoon
A group of young boys, including one name Bastian, had been playing in a field and were now returning home. Bastian had briefly stopped to tie his shoelaces when he heard the others yelling in apparent fright. Looking up he saw a few hundred meters in the sky, above the fir trees, a very large round object, hovering motionless, or oscillating slightly over their heads. Initially immobilized by fear the boys now run and hide behind a coppice of young oaks, in which they hide lying on the ground. There was a strange quiet in the area, even the birds were silent. Slowly the object began to descend until it remained about 1 meter above the ground. The object was silvery in color, smooth, with several small windows around its circumference. On top it had what appeared to be a glass-like cupola. Suddenly three small humanoids appeared outside the object, no one sees them coming out of it. They resembled Dwarfin (Dwarfs) and are about 1.20 m in height, wearing gray-green combination diver suits, topped with a huge round helmet with an opaque glass visor, which obscured their faces. As night fell one of the boys attempted to get up and flee but was suddenly struck down by an unseen force, making his legs tremble. Surprised, the humanoids look in their direction and boarded the object, which then began to oscillate. The object turns red in color and disappears in plain sight.
Source: Hubert Lampo, GESAG catalog # 1773
Location: Bourrasole France
Date: October 13 1954
Time: 1935
Mr. Olivier and Perano and a 3rd man saw a reddish disc about 12 ft in diameter, with a 4 foot being close by, wearing a “diving suit.” His head was large with respect to the body and he had 2 enormous eyes. The suit was bright & shiny like glass. A sort of misty glow surrounded the craft. One of the men came within 20 yards of it & found himself paralyzed. The craft took off, throwing him to the ground, and rose very fast.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 249
Possible journalistic prank.
Location: Montimont, France
Date: October 13 1954
Time: night
Mr. Sadi Levy encountered in a field near this city two small beings encased in a green phosphorescence, with big eyes, and a small tail. Levy was in his vehicle and did not stop quickly driving away and stopping at a nearby café in order to obtain additional witnesses. No one returned to the site of the encounter. (One of the earliest reference to “little green men”).
Source: Martin Kottmeyer in Anomalist # 10 Quoting Jean Sider
Date: October 1954
Summary: Oct. 13, 1954; Nouasseur, French Morocco (BBU 3260)
10:05 a.m. Weather observer following a balloon in his theodolite saw a round, flat, silver object fly straight and level. (Berliner)
Location: Island D’Oleron Bay of Biscay France
Date: October 14 1954
Time: unknown
A schoolmaster, Jules Martin, encountered two beautiful females wearing leather helmets, boots, and gloves. They wrote down some symbols on the sand before departing in a silvery flying disc shaped object. No other information.
Source: Robert E Bartholomew, quoting Wilkins
Location: Shamsabad Iran
Date: October 14 1954
Time: 0630A
The anonymous witness saw a 5-meter luminous object 100 meters away. Approaching more closely, he perceived a “short young man” standing on a circular piece of metal in the middle of the radiant object, and looking around him searchingly. Now only 20 meters from the saucer, the witness could see the pilot was laughing at the terrified expression on his face. Suddenly the machine shot up into the air at an unbelievable speed and vanished.
Source: FSR Vol. 13 # 2:Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 251
Location: Leward-Erchin France
Date: October 14 1954
Time: 1530
Miner, Casimir Starovski, met in a country road a strange being of small height and bulky figure with large slanted eyes and a fur covered body. The midget, less than four feet tall, had a large head and wore a brown skullcap, with formed a fillet a few inches above the eyes. The eyes protruded, with very small irises, the nose was flat, and the lips were thick and red. The witness did not claim to have seen the creature emerge from a flying saucer or reenter it. He just happened to meet the strange being, which did not wear any kind of respiratory device. Before he could think of stopping him, the creature had disappeared.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 252
Location: Meral France
Date: October 14 1954
Time: evening
A farmer saw an orange object land in his field. Approaching, he saw a domed disc so brilliant that it illuminated the fields for more than 200 yards around. It was transparent, and a dark shape could be seen silhouetted inside it. After 10 minutes the luminosity changed from white to red, and it took off. At the spot was left a slowly settling luminescent mist. Arriving home, the witness found his clothes covered with a soft white substance resembling paraffin, which soon evaporated.
Source: Aime Michel
Location: Ferrara Italy
Date: October 14 1954
Time: 2000
A worker at the local chemical plant “Montecatini” was taking a stroll in a field near the plant when he noticed an approaching intense white light. The light turned out to be an object that was hovering 2 meters above the ground. As it approached the witness could see that on the object’s top section was some sort of “railing” and three short figures were holding on to the railing. The witness ran inside the plant in order to obtain additional witnesses but upon returning to the scene the object was gone.
Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat
Location: Brienne Aube France
Date: October 14 1954
Time: 2000
An unidentified witness saw an object on the ground, like an elongated egg, dark in color and with a cupola atop. A figure of normal height appeared in front of it, and he could see a second figure inside the cupola. He tried to approach but found himself paralyzed; the figure got in and the object took off in the direction of Rothiere.
Source: Alain Gamard & Jean Luc Rivera
Location: Mouflers, Somme, France
Date: October 14 1954
Time: 2100
Three persons driving in a van on the departmental road D216 saw not far from the farm ‘La Folie” a very brilliant beam of light which appeared to land on a meadow, a little distance from the road. The driver stopped his vehicle and went down with his wife and a third witness. At this point they clearly saw, close to the light six or seven beings of small size which advanced toward them one behind the other. The witnesses became frightened and resumed their travel, leaving the craft and occupants behind.
Source: http://ufologie.net
Location: St Ambroix France
Date: October 14 1954
Time: night
Several witnesses saw 7 small beings flee into a phosphorescent object when they were approached. It took off immediately. It is claimed that “unknown seeds” were found at the site. No other information.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia
Location: Hyeres-Toulon France
Date: October 15 1954
Time: unknown
Jean Reppelline and Raymond Ottaviani were motorcycling between Toulon and Hyeres when a flying saucer landed on stick like legs; it was discoidal with a cupola, and with 2 protrusions like ears. Out stepped a man in glowing gray coveralls. Ottaviani asked; “Are you a Martian?” “No, I’m French” was the reply. “Where am I?” On being told, he re-entered the craft and ascended vertically.
Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source
Location: Near Perpignan France
Date: October 15 1954
Time: unknown
Retired French customs man Damien Figueres, 56, reported he saw a large red sphere land, and a tall man dressed in a “diver’s suit” step out. The occupant jumped back into his craft and took off without sound when he saw Figuere’s two dogs.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 261
Location: Cuasso Al Monte, Varese, Italy
Date: October 15 1954
Time: 1900
Multiple witnesses, including Nurse Maria Vanoli and driver Gianni Rossi, heard a noise similar to an airplane engine. Immediately they saw two saucers, each “as larger as a bicycle wheel.” These saucers emitted a bluish light, seemingly more intense around their periphery. At the center of each of the objects, there was an illuminated “pole” piercing them vertically from one edge to the other. The UFOs flew at an altitude of about 150/200m, dispersing a sort of fiery screen about them. Suddenly both objects descended, nearly touching and scorching the tops of some pine trees. Rossi claimed to have observed a “dark human shaped mass” tearing away from the first of the saucers. This appeared to be a small male a “dwarf”.
Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat
Location: Near Vauchelles-les-Domart Somme France
Date: October 15 1954
Time: 1930
Ms S. her husband, and another man, M. Lourdel, were driving a truck on Route 216, just outside Vauchelles-les-Domart, when a bright light that passed over the road and landed beyond a small thicket on the other side of a freshly ploughed field dazzled them. Ms S, who was driving, stopped the truck and she and M. Lourdel ran into the field to see what it was. Suddenly they saw four or five small figures, no more than a meter high, walking “Indian file” from right to left directly in front of the bushes, not more than 25 meters away. Frightened, the two turned on their heels, and ran back to the truck, driving quickly off. The police, notified of the sighting, inspected the area several days later but were unable to find any traces. The figures appeared to be dressed in diver’s suits.
Source: Claude Perrier
Date: October 1954
Summary: Oct. 15, 16, 17, 1954; Kingfisher, Okla. (BBU 3269)
8:45 p.m. 50 objects with illuminated bottoms were seen flying in a V-formation, high speed, on successive nights. Only data is on summary card. (Berliner)
Location: Sandrans, Ain, France
Date: October 15-21 1954
Time: unknown
The witness an anonymous villager saw an apparatus on a meadow, having the shape of a cigar, three meters in length and one meter in diameter, with a being standing at its side. Soon the machine took off emitting a loud whistling sound.
Source: Jean Sider
Location: Near Neuilly-l-Eveque, Haute Marne, France
Date: October 16 1954
Time: 0600A
Polish immigrant and stonemason 61-year old Cesar K. was pedaling his bicycle on his way to Chalindrey on the Andilly road as thick fog covered the valley. At a few hundred meters from the railroad crossing he suddenly saw to his left, in a grazing field, about 150m away, a strange humanoid figure only about 1.50m in height. Surprised, Cesar slowed down his pace. He then saw the small individual walking towards a machine having the shape of a reverse bowl about a meter in height and about 2.50m in width. According to Cesar the humanoid was indeed half a head taller than the object. The humanoid entered the object and sat on a visible armchair. As soon as he had settled inside the machine slipped gently of the ground at a height of about 20-30m and then suddenly rose up into the air without emitting a sound. Thrown into a panic, Cesar quickly pedaled away from the area.
Source: Raoul Robe, Regional Catalogue
Location: Baillolet France
Date: October 16 1954
Time: 2100
Dr. Henri Robert, a veterinarian, was driving when he saw 4 discs in the sky, one of which descended with a “falling leaf” motion. When within 100 yards of it Dr Robert felt an electric shock and found himself paralyzed; his engine died and his headlights went out, as the object landed on the road. In the light of the luminous object, he could see a small figure slightly over 3 ft tall. After a period of darkness lasting several minutes, the headlights came on and the object was seen rapidly moving away.
Source: Aime Michel 194: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 274
Location: Lesparre-Medoc Gironde France
Date: October 16 1954
Time: night
A history and geography teacher, driving along the road at night, saw in the bushes along his route an orange light. He stopped the vehicle and approached on foot, discovering an object, about 5 meters in diameter and round in shape, sitting on the ground. A moment later, a being one meter tall in a kind of diving suit approached the witness, emitting several times a phrase that sounded like, “Ka-a-lo-o-tri-to-onn.” Then the entity returned and entered the apparatus through a kind of porthole. The object then took off rapidly straight up.
Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
Location: Signa, Italy
Date: October 17 1954
Time: 1400
Angiolino Caciolli was walking on a path near his home when he noticed at the end of the path a strange female human-like figure visible from the waist up. It wore what appeared to be a blue smock that covered her face. At first the witness thought it was a gypsy woman but then he noticed that it was gliding slowly just above the ground. The witness walked by it and turned to see it rise up into the air emitting a wind-turbine like sound, it then disappeared.
Source: Archivio SUF
Location: Cabasson France
Date: October 17 1954
Time: 1430
Maxime Pignatelli was hunting with his dog when he saw a gray object, about 4 meters long and 1 meter high, on the ground 40 meters away. It had a dome, from which 2 helmeted figures emerged. The witness fled, but his dog started toward the object; but it soon retreated, walking awkwardly as if partially paralyzed.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 279
Location: Reims Marne France
Date: October 17 1954
Time: evening
An unidentified man, returning from fishing along the canal at Reims, saw a bright light resting on the grass near the canal. As he approached he saw it came from a cigar shaped object about 26 feet long and 7 feet high. From one end came “phosphorescent” lights, which reflected on the metallic hull of the object. A door appeared from which emerged three hairy beings, about 3 ft 9” tall, walking “crab-wise,” or sideways. The an even smaller being a little more than a yard high appeared, whose lower legs appeared transparent. The witness tried to approach closer, but the entities rushed back inside the object at surprising speed, just as the witness was paralyzed by a red beam of light, which turned yellow, coming from a porthole. The object then took off and flew rapidly towards Tinquex. The witness then recovered his freedom of movement.
Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
Location: Foret De Meudon, Hauts-de-Seine, France
Date: October 17 1954
Time: afternoon
Student Rene Cotard was walking under splendid weather in the forest of Meudon when he came to a clearing and suddenly found himself face to face with a strange being that had just come out of a strange apparatus in the form of an upside down coffee cup. Hardly had the witness recovered from his surprise that the being and its machine left emitting an acute whistle accompanied by odd beams of light, rising vertically at a tremendous speed. The face of the humanoid is described as a combination “human and animal”.
Source: Jean Sider
Location: Cape Massulo Italy
Date: October 17 1954
Time: night
On Capri, an artist, Raffael Castelle, saw a disc 5 meters in diameter land on the property of Curzio Malaparte. On approaching, he discovered it was not a helicopter & saw 4 Dwarfin (Dwarfs) wearing coveralls emerge from it. After 30 minutes the craft made a soft whirring sound & rose vertically, leaving blue sparks.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 281
Location: Moutier-Rozeille, France
Date: October 18 1954
Time: 1000A
Mrs. Paquet was tending her cows in a field when she suddenly hears a peculiar language, which she cannot understand; the conversation comes from a nearby heather field. Then two men approach to within 50 meters of Mrs. Paquet. One of them turns towards the mill of Mr. Blanchon emits a yell and gestures. Two other men now appear then walked in the direction of the Rozeille River, they then join the first two and they all disappear. 15 minutes later Mrs. Paquet dog starts to bark furiously and they see a silent object shape like a cigar, dark in color, rise and disappear towards the southwest. The men were approximately 1.80 m in height and wore dark blue combinations suits.
Source: Figuet, J. L. Ruchon
Location: Louvigne-Du-Desert, Ille-Et-Vilaine, France
Date: October 18 1954
Time: evening
An anonymous schoolboy returning from the evening studies was approaching the hamlet of Salmoniere when he suddenly saw a small being with an odd face, which frightened him enormously. The creature entered a machine that was lying in a ditch, and then the machine rose up at a tremendous rate of speed.
Source: Jean Sider
Location: Fontenay-Torcy France
Date: October 18 1954
Time: 2040
Mr. & Mrs Lherminier saw a cigar shaped red object dive toward them, leaving a reddish trail, and land near the road. Upon reaching the top of the hill, they were confronted by a bulky human figure, about 3.5 tall, wearing a helmet. The creature’s eyes were glowing with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. 4 others saw the object in flight, from separate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 kilometers.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 284
Location: Formerie, Oise, France
Date: October 18 1954
Time: 2045
Three witnesses observed a cylinder or rocket shaped device with several illuminated portholes following a complex trajectory following a river. The craft then landed close to the witnesses and several humanoids described as about 1.50m in height, with dark skin and wearing metallic helmets and metallic garments exited the craft. As the witnesses watched stupefied they suddenly experienced headaches and memory loss. Apparently they did not see the object and its occupants depart.
Source: Dr. Claude Poher, GEPA “Statistics from 735 UFO observations”
Location: Near Royan France
Date: October 18 1954
Time: 2100
Mr. & Mrs Labassiere were driving to Royan on Route N 150 when they noticed, at a rather low altitude, an object shaped like a pair of scales which was rocking in the sky. One “pan” was orange luminous, the other red, and they were united by a trail of luminous green. The object stopped, the luminous beam faded out, and both objects landed on a nearby field. Then they saw 2 very small creatures, which went toward each other, passed, and exchanged vehicles. The bells then took off at a “dizzy” acceleration and disappeared in a few seconds.
Source: Aime Michel: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 285
Location: Malbuisson, Le Vezenay, Doubs France
Date: October 18 1954
Time: 2245
Marie Louise Bourriot, 25, was motorcycling home when as she neared the local orphanage she saw a bright red light illuminating the whole road, (RN437) which went out as she approached. She keeps peddling on thinking it was just the lights of an approaching car. Then she encountered a man in a darkish overcoat, and a hood who was standing on the road in company of 2 dwarfish black beings, “difficult to describe.” These left the man and crossed the road in front of her. A little further on, she looked back and saw a red luminous oval-shaped object swiftly rising.
Source: J Tyrode, LDLN # 97
Location: St Martin-du-Bois France
Date: October 18 1954
Time: midnight
15-year old Albert Geraud was on his bicycle on route D216 when he sees a light that turns from green to yellow. It descends in a jerky motion and lands on the road. The panicked witness feels likes his legs are paralyzed. Inside the object he could see a small being covered with hair that stares at the witness with large eyes. Abruptly the object rises, emitting a strong gush of wind in the direction of the witness and disappears in the direction of Lyon. After the incident the witness lies prostrate in bed for several days.
Source: Figeut/Ruchon, Ovni Dossier
Date: October 18 1954: Erba Como Italy Encounter
Date: October 19, 1954
Location: Monte Carlo – Italy
Date: October 19 1954
Location: Livorno Italy
Time: unknown
Summary: Bruno Senesi saw 2 shining objects emitting smoke land in a field. Out of them came small, red, monstrous beings that chased him. In a state of great excitement Senesi was brought to a hospital, where he tried to hide under a bed, screaming and trembling with terror.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 287
Date: October 19 1954
Location: Montlandon, France
Time: unknown
Summary: A 14-year old girl reported seeing a strange disc-shaped object descend and land on a field next to some woods. A man dressed in a sort of white cassock or smock was seen briefly onboard the object. The craft immediately took off again and disappeared from sight.
Source: Raoul Robe, Regional Catalogue
Location: St Samson-La-Poterie, France
Date: October 19 1954
Time: 2045
25-year old Andre Vasseur and his wife were returning home on their bicycle and were approaching the descent, which precedes Hericourt-St Samson when their attention was drawn by a red gleam in the shape of a cigar, motionless in the sky. All of the sudden the shiny cigar shaped object plunged towards the ground at a terrific clip, leaving behind a red trail resembling a tail. The craft disappeared behind a hedge a few hundred meters from the road. The young couple arrived at the top of a hill when Mrs. Vasseur emitted a dreadful cry. On the edge of the road, at a few cm from her handlebar, a strange being stood staring fixedly at her. The figure was of human shape, but squat, with his head capped with a helmet inserted into the shoulders. A pencil of orange color light emitted from his eyes, which followed the witnesses. His wife lost consciousness and fell to the ground. Andre continued on with his wife and turned around to see the being had not still moved. They both suffered from insomnia after the incident. Police apparently found mysterious footprints at the site.
Source: LDLN unknown number
Location: Fabriano, Ancona, Italy
Date: October 19 1954
Time: 2230
A satirist, Paolo Cutizi, and a writer Guilio Emery, were in a local park when they witnessed a strange fluorescent mass still completing its ascent, about 20 meters away from a building. The mass emitted some violet colored flashes of light. Though the men were afraid, they approached the apparition while concealing themselves behind some brush. They observed a disc at approximately 40 meters distance from them. This had a diameter of about 6 meters and a very tall illuminated antenna; this was so high that the men were unable to see where it terminated. The disc also sported a tiny ladder which touched the ground. A few minutes thereafter, two 1.2 meters tall, robot like figures descended from the object, they uttered strange metallic sounds and gave off a dark red light. The men heard the creatures speak something sounding like, “Dbano da skigyay o dbano.” After a short duration on the ground, both figures returned inside the object.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 289
Location: Raon-l ‘Etape, Vosges France
Date: October 20 1954
Time: 0230A
Lazlo Ujvari, going to work late at night, encountered a heavy set man of medium height wearing a gray jacket with insignias on the shoulders, and a motorcycle helmet, which threatened him with a revolver and spoke words he did not understand. Ujvari spoke Russian to him and got a reply in that language. The unknown man then asked whether he was in Spain or Italy; then, what time it was. ‘0230”, said Ujvari. “You lie,” replied the man, taking out his own watch and announcing “Four o’clock!” He then escorted Ujvari past an inverted dish shaped, lightless saucer bearing a 2-foot antenna, which took up almost the whole width of the road. After 30 yards, he said, he said ‘Adieu!” After a few paces, Ujvari looked back; with a whine like an electric motor, the saucer rose vertically.
Source: Pierre Masson & Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 291
Location: Gavres, Morbihan, France
Date: October 20 1954
Time: 1800
23-year old Marie C was closing the shutters of her home when she saw a red orange light hovering above the nearby road. Coming from this hovering light, was a very powerful pencil of light that’s directed vertically downward to the roadway. Five small beings of humanoid shape then appear in the bottom of the light beam and move towards Marie’s home. The house door open and the humanoids enter the house. Marie stated later that their height was from 1m to 1.20m and that their body was entirely covered with russet-red hair except for their heads, which bore a kind of nose resembling that of a pig. The humanoids moved one behind the other and all five made three turns around Marie who in a state of shock began to shout. Soon the humanoids moved towards the beam of light where they had appeared in the beginning and disappear therein, the beam also disappeared and Marie heard a high-pitched whistling sound coming from it. At the same time that this whistle was heard, a bottle that Marie held in her hand broke in two on the level of its neck, it was later noted that the cut was clean and even as if made by a saw. Marie’s husband, during this time, was shopping at the grocer’s just some 30 meters form the location, and when he heard his wife shouting, he ran towards their home but could not see anything else only his wife partially fainted on the floor and in shock. Immediately she was taken to a local hospital where Marie suffered a miscarriage. She had been pregnant for 2 months. Soon after the incident Marie developed a cardiac disease.
Source: Gerard Champetier LDLN
Location: Grosseto, Italy
Date: October 20 1954
Time: 2230
A woman Ermelinda Lanzillo emerged from her home to attend to some animals including hens, rabbits, and pigs, just 10-15 meters from her building. It was a rainy night, even though the moon was at times visible through the clouds. When Lanzillo had not returned after 15 minutes, her nephew went out to look for her. He called her name aloud a few times, but got no response. Thereafter, when the nephew reached a point next to the gate leading to the garden of the home, he suddenly discovered his aunt before him. She did not stop and continued toward the house, beckoning to her 26-year old nephew to get back inside and quickly lock the door. Once inside the house, Lanzillo told his nephew, named, Oscar, as well as two other nephews that she had observed 2 or 3 figures next to the hog pen. The figures were about 1.7m in height and sturdy in stature. They wore some strange metallic outfits (blue green in color and somewhat shiny according to a sketch made by the investigators from the nephew Oscar’s recollections), as well as diver-like helmets. Over their shoulders, there appeared a “halo.” Oscar asked his aunt why she hadn’t replied when he called out to her, she told him that she had heard him but had been unable to answer. Mrs. Lanzillo and her nephew Oscar re-emerged from the house all in all about 10 minutes later, however they did not discover anything odd.
Source: Maurizio Verga “When Saucers Came to Earth”
Location: Melito, Naples, Italy
Date: October 21 1954
Time: unknown
While in a field belonging to his father, a young man heard a rustling noise and observed a saucer-shaped object landing not far from him. He approached it and saw a human-like figure exiting the object, from an opening in the object’s upper part. The individual was dressed in a sort of diving suit, and emitted greenish-bronze beams of light which illuminated the surrounding landscape. A dog, about 100 meters distance from the young man, began to bark. Possibly as a result of this, the creature re-entered the object and it departed thereafter.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 297
Location: Ranton, Stafford England
Date: October 21 1954
Time: 1645
Near Stafford, Mrs. Jessie Roestenburg heard a noise like an aircraft and she ran out into the garden. There she found her two children lying prostrate and terrified. Above the children was a huge saucer-like object with a dome, the front par of which was transparent stated Mrs. Roestenburg. Staring at the children from the machine were two unsmiling human-like creatures, with long faces and long hair. Jessie then ran to the back of the house in fright. The object then moved over the house, hovered there for about 15 seconds and then shot off at high speed. The men inside the object had white skin, long hair to their shoulders, and very high foreheads. They wore turquoise blue clothing, resembling ski suits. The object hovered at a tilted angle while the two occupants looked at the scene “sternly, not in an unkind fashion, but almost sadly, compassionately.” After about 15 seconds during which these men gazed at her, the craft ascended at 45-degree angle, with a blinking violet light in front. Leaving a contrail, it circled the house, and then streaked out of sight.
Source: Gavin Gibbons, for FSR also Wolverhampton Express & Star: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 298
Location: Pons France
Date: October 21 1954
Time: night
An egg shaped object about 18 feet in diameter hovered & landed near a road. 2 Dwarfin (Dwarfs) about 4 ft tall emerged from it, but went back inside almost immediately. The craft took off vertically, leaving a red trail.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 296
Location: Ecaillon, France
Date: October 22 1954
Time: 1915
Casimir Szimura was riding on his motorcycle on route N-43 when he sees in front of him an illuminated machine. His motorcycle stops abruptly. The object resembles a submarine, and he sees four small occupants inside. One of them leaves the object and approaches the witness; its head reaches the level of Szimura’s shoulders. They exchange a handshake. The humanoid then speaks in an unknown language resembling Chinese remaining there a few minutes. The being then returns to the object, which takes off and flies away at vertiginous speed. Casimir noticed that the little being was very strong, according to the handshake.
Source: Figuet, J L Ruchon
Date: October 1954
Summary: Oct. 22, 1954; Marysville, Ohio
School principal, teacher, 60 students saw silver cigar-shaped UFO with “portholes” hover over school, then speed away; “angel’s hair” fell. [UFOE, VIII]
Location: Berri, South Australia
Date: October 23 1954
Time: unknown
A ghastly animal, 2 meters in length with a peculiar head and eyes, and a long scaly body was reportedly seen in the area. It hissed at residents from the top of a tree, leapt and disappeared into the brush.
Source: Hervey, M, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere
Location: Near Tripoli Libya
Date: October 23 1954
Time: 0300A
Carmelo Papotto saw an egg shaped craft about 18 ft long land a few dozen yards away. The upper half was transparent and very brightly lit the lower metallic; there were 2 cylindrical protruding tubes, and a Y-shaped wheeled undercarriage. Inside were 6 men in yellow coveralls wearing gas masks; when one took his mask off temporarily, his face was normally human. One also wore earphones; all confronted instrument panels. When Papotto touched the machine an electric shock threw him to the ground, and an occupant gestured him away. After about 20 minutes, the machine took off silently; when 150 ft up, it departed at dizzying speed. Tracks of the wheels were found.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 303
Location: Ernemont, France
Date: October 23 1954
Time: 0510A
A witness watched a brilliant crescent-shaped object land near the outskirts of town. Three shadowy figures exited the object and went in different directions, apparently exploring the area. This was followed by a power outage. No other information.
Source: UFOCAT quoting Larry Hatch U computer database
Location: Trondes, France
Date: October 23 1954
Time: afternoon
Baker M. Lelu was in his vehicle on Route 101 and had arrived at a bend on the road when he spotted two phosphorescent points of light near a glade. He approached the area thinking it was another car when he saw a tall blond haired man standing immobile in the field. Thinking that the figure was an extraterrestrial (he thought a Venusian?) he drove away from the area in order to obtain additional witnesses. (Later the harassed owner of the field claimed that the mysterious blond figure was a Polish farmer). This however was never confirmed.
Source: Raoul Robe, Regional Catalogue
Location: Wittenheim France
Date: October 23 1954
Time: night
M Muller, a police officer, saw a “Martian” in his garden that resembled a big bifurcated black radish. There were three other witnesses. No other information.
Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source
Date: October 1954
Summary: Oct. 23, 1954; Tinker AFB, Oklahoma (BBU)
9:23 p.m. (CST) Objects on FPS-10 (PPI scope). Upon initial pickup speed was in excess of 3200 nautical mph, but changed to 250 nautical mph. The target appeared in size, shape and brillance equal to a normal IFF. (Dan Wilson, McDonald list)
Date: October 1954
Summary: Oct. 23, 1954; Cincinnati, Ohio
Radio made harsh shrieking noise, volume increased; then reddish disc seen circling overhead.
Date: October 24 1954
Location: Castiglion Della Pescaia, Grosseto, Italy
Time: 0600A
Summary: A farm-worker, Ulderico Cardinali, was walking along a pathway in a meadow. Suddenly he heard a buzzing noise and he started to pass through an area of fog. Shortly afterwards, when the fog became less dense, Cardinali observed a strange object which he thought to be a downed plane. It resembled a sort of highly polished, 2 meter wide “plate” landed on the ground. There was a very peculiar creature beside the craft. It appeared to be no taller than 1.40m and was dressed in a yellowish-brown uniform. It seemed like the creature was moving about the object with some task. Once it had stopped moving about, the creature went inside the object, entering a sort of “cabin” and disappearing from sight. Then the object departed from the location—emitting a slight buzzing noise and flying at very low altitude, nearly brushing the tops of the meadow trees.
Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat
Date: October 24, 1954
Location: Boulogne-Sur-Mer, France
Date: October 24 1954
Location: Saint Etienne de Baigorry, Pyrenees Atlantique, France
Time: 1500
Summary: A shepherd guarding his flock at a peak called “Moumboa” located at about 800meters altitude reported seeing two “men” standing on the side opposite to him, looking around. At first he thought they were excursionists but he soon saw between them at about 50meters a craft shaped like a large shell, from three to four meters in diameter and of a little more than one meter in height. He did not dare to approach the object which was brown in color. In its center there was a cabin, and at the two ends he could distinguish a number of small propellers similar to pine cones. At the back end, the broadest end was a bent tripod. After a while, the two men approached the machine which they then placed upright on the tripod. The witness supposed that the machine was made out of some very light weight material or plastic. He says he did not notice any portholes. One of the men then opened a narrow door and both individuals disappeared into the cabin. Without any noise the two groups of propellers started to turn, but in opposite directions. The machine took off vertically at about 100 meters and then disappeared quickly towards the north. The two men were similar to humans, Caucasian, between 1.70-1.75m in height.
Source: Jean Sider
Date: October 24 1954
Location: Les Egots France
Time: 1730
Summary: A child saw a man emerged from a strange craft. He was “dressed in red, his clothes like iron. He walked with his legs stiff, had long hair & a hairy face. His eyes were large, like a cow.” No other information.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 305
Location: Ain El Turck Algeria
Date: October 24 1954
Time: night
A small man with strange glowing eyes was seen on the Mediterranean shore. No other information.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 304
Location: Bagni Di Luca, Benabbio, Italy
Date: October 25 1954
Time: evening
A reddish disc shaped object that emitted a luminous streak from its rear landed near the witness. Two human-like figures briefly emerged from the object, and then went back inside. The object then took off at high speed
Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat
Location: Jonquerets-de-Livet Eure France
Date: October 25 1954
Time: 2300
Two 18-year old farm workers, Jean Cheradame & Rene Marais, encountered a bright light source on a field. As they approached the light, two featureless illuminated human forms emerged from the light source. They lacked both arms & legs, and essentially resembled “white plastic bags” lit from within. They emerged from the light source in the field and separated into two distinct forms as they approached; when they receded they again merged into one form before merging with the light source. They were about five feet tall.
Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
Date: October 1954
Summary: Octo. 24, 1954; Porto Alegre, Brazil
Formation of silver, circular objects sped over Air Force base. [UFOE, X]
Date: October 1954
Summary: Oct. 25, 1954; Belgrade, Yugoslavia
High speed objects some egg-shaped seen by hundreds. [UFOE, X]
Location: La Madiere France
Date: October 26 1954
Time: evening
Aime Brousard, 47, stopped to look at someone on the footpath. This person, who had been crouching down, rose suddenly & turned upon him 2 very bright pale-blue lamps. At the sides of his helmeted head were 2 weaker light green lamps. The effect of the blue light on Brousard was to fling him to the other side of the road, where he lay paralyzed, unable to call out, for 10 minutes. Then the lamps went out, and the being crossed the road & disappeared from view. Brousard then recovered, but still felt pain in his legs & hands.
Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 311
Location: Antimachia, Kos Island, Greece
Date: October 26 1954
Time: night
Mrs Irene Sarris and Mr. Socrates Caraliamis saw a flying object, which was emitting a blinding light. The UFO had the shape of a basket, and for a while it was heading to Antimachia, but suddenly changed course and went away. That same night, a Mr. George Cacamoundis, saw a “winged man” crossing the sky over the village, at roughly the same time with the luminous UFO. The witness, terrified, sought to hide in a nearby church, where he stayed for a long time refusing to come out.
Source: Thanassis Vembos, quoting “Hellenicos Vorras”
Location: Stadio Artemio Franchi in Florence, Italy
Date: October 27 1954
Time: 1930
during a football game at Stadio Artemio Franchi in Florence, Italy. Play was halted when a group of cigar-shaped UFOs traveling at high speed reportedly stopped suddenly over the stadium filled with 10,000 people One player described glitter falling from the sky, a glitter that some compared to spider webs falling from spaceships from Mars.
Source: mysteriousuniverse.org
Location: Les Jonquerets-de-Livet France
Date: October 27 1954
Time: 1930
Farmer Gilbert Hee saw cows gathering about an elongated object with lights at both ends, resting in his pasture. 2 hours later an 18-year-old man fell from his motorcycle as it suddenly failed at the same spot; the object had moved only slightly. Hee and his neighbors saw the object & 2 occupants, who were about 3 ft tall, walked stiffly, and had clothes resembling bright armor. They vanished suddenly, and the craft took off without noise.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 317
Location: Tradate Italy
Date: October 28 1954
Time: 2200
Mr. Guidola, bicycling home, saw a very luminous object in a field behind the sports field. When he approached, he was met by “2 little shadows, which made strange guttural sounds.” He fled, but returned with 22 others from a nearby café. The beings wore “white trousers, tapering as if they covered only a single leg, with very wide girdles of dark color. The thorax was confined in an iron gray metallic garment, and on the head was a transparent helmet; the intense light from the disc made it possible to see a dark colored countenance, with a proboscis resembling a little elephant.” The witnesses threw stones at the entities and at their craft, whose upper portion was a transparent dome illuminated by a white light so strong as to hurt the eyes. Surmounting this dome was a silvery “antenna” 8” thick and 5 ft high. Stones striking the craft gave no metallic sound. One man tried to sic his boxer on the “Martians,” but, terrified, it bit another of the witnesses instead. A few moments later, with a piercing sound like a steamboat’s whistle, the spaceship rose vertically.
Source: Humcat quoting local police and Newspaper sources
Police resolve 2 boy’s hoax within hours.
Date: October 1954
Summary: Oct. 29, 1954; SE of Taiwan (BBU)
6 p.m. USAF crew of C-47D transport plane saw a long narrow bright blue object emitting deep orange sparks from front and rear. (Project 1947)
Date: October 1954
Summary: Oct. 29, 1954; Terciera Islands, Azores (BBU 3287)
9 p.m. 4 Portuguese nationals saw a grey object, shaped like a stovepipe with a center bulge and short wings (10 ft long, 3 ft in diameter, 3 ft wings) having concave wingtips, make a gargling sound when hovering, then disappear in the glare of airplane landing lights. (Berliner)
Location: Between Catania & Palagonia, Sicily Italy
Date: October 29 1954
Time: 1425
Seven laborers, Giuseppe Licandro, 42, the Oration brothers, 25 & 36, Giovanni Santonocito 40, brothers Giovanni and Salvatore Poma and Francisco Cantone and at least three other witnesses traveling on the road connecting this two locations reported seeing a transparent “like cellophane” torpedo shaped object, smooth in texture and with two red lights on its inferior section gliding down low over the road, the craft was silent and inside they all saw a creature with a very pale face that seemed to stare at the men. The craft then suddenly emitted a loud droning noise and went away without leaving a smoke trail behind.
Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat and CISU Italy
Date: October 30, 1954
Location: Muro Lucano Italy
Time: 0930
Summary: Two objects were seen by hunters. One touched the ground 50 m away. It was rhomboidal, and from the bottom a cylinder was hanging. A peculiar sound could be heard. The object shifted its position and the cylinder hit trees, bouncing three times. Then the craft gained altitude and flew away, leaving a bluish trail.
Source: Magonia 322
Date: October 31, 1954
Location: Corrompu (France
Summary: Near Long, P. Petit and his employee, Mr. Tillier, with a shop owner, Mr. Pecquet, saw an oval object on the ground. When it took off, the lights of a tractor went out. It measured about 4.5 m, emitted a bright light similar to a welder’s torch. It came back, turned, and flew to the southwest. It made the same noise as a swarm of bees.
Source: Magonia 323
Location: Longuetire, Siran, Cantal, France
Date: late October 1954
Time: unknown
A widow named Maurel reported encountered a landed object shaped like a large bowl on a meadow near the village of Longuetire. An individual all covered with hair left the machine. At the sight of Mrs. Maurel the individual ran back into the craft which left immediately.
Source: Jean Sider
Date: October 1954
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