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Below is typed transcription of document.
JAN 14, 1947
Request for Report on Crashed P-51 National Guard Aircraft
Commanding Officer
315th AAFBU (Reserve Training)
Godman Field, Kentucky
1. It has been brought to the attention of this office that an official report has been made regarding the National Guard P-51 air- craft that crashed as a result of chasing an unidentified object on 7 January 1948. Information contained in this report may contribute greatly in the accomplishment of intelligence investigations of un- identified flying objects, or so-called “flying discs”.
2. It is requested, therefore, that a copy of this report be made available to this Command as soon as possible.
Colonel, USAF
Chief of Intelligence
Below is typed transcription of document.
Before me, the undersigned Authority for administering oaths of this kind, personally appeared one James H. Hudson, Cpl, ASN 13220873 who, being first duly sworn by me, deposes and says;
The following information came over Plan 62: This observation was made in Kentucky at the scene of the P-51 crash with an 8″ telescope:
1. Height, 4 miles.
2. Width, 43 feet.
3. Height of object, 100 feet.
4. Speed at time, 10 mph
5. Shape, Cone.
6. Color, red with green tail.
This observation was taken at Godman Field, Kentucky, with a theolite:
1854 CST.
Elevation, 2.4 Azimuth 254.6
1856 CST
Elevation, 2.0 Azimuth 253.9
1902 CST
Elevation, 1.2 Azimuth 253.0
1906 CST
The following is my opinion:
The object is not a comet or star, but was man made. It was not a balloon, comet, star, aircraft of known type. The light did not come from an aircraft’s running lights. The whole object appeared to be surrounded with a burning gas or something that gave a light.
Further the deponent sayeth not,
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of January , 1948
Captain, USAF

Below is typed transcription of document.
Before me, the undersigned authority for administering oaths of this kind, personally appeared one John P. Haag,
S/Sgt, AF 17003481
who, being first duly sworn by me, disposes and says:
The unidentified flying object was sighted in a South-West position at Clinton County Army Air Base at a heading of approximately 210 degrees on 7 January 1948, first being visible to this person at 19:35 o’clock when it was pointed out to me. The weather at the time was clear over the base, with a South-West wind which was moderate.
There seemed to be an overcast in the South-West which was a layer approximately 1000 feet thick. The height of this overcast was approximately 5000 feet. The one and only object which was seen with the naked eye seemed to be about five miles from the field at an estimated altitude of 15,000 to 20,000 feet.
The object seemed to remain stationary as first seen, with a light which resembled a complete wing of an airplane on fire. There was no beam of light projected. Then, for a period of five minutes I just took occasional glances at it as I went up the the Control Tower and observed the object through field glasses, which I then decided was not a comet or falling star, to my knowledge of astronomy. With the aid of field glasses, the object appeared to go from an altitude of 15,000 feet to 10,000 feet without any noticed forward or backward motion and then back up to its original altitude very rapidly, about three or four times. It seemed that when the object moved, a red light would dominate and change to a green light and then back to it’s original color.
It then began moving at a heading of 210 degrees and went behind the overcast and the light was seen through the overcast. The object moved very fast away; it stopped momentarily for three or four minutes and disappeared over the horizon at 15:55. No sound was heard from this object or no photographs taken.
Further the deponent sayeth not,
AF 17003481
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21 day of January , 1948
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